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DPOrganizer - Data Protection Management Software that helps you map, visualize, report and manage your processing of personal data. A single platform to help you organise your data protection work, and involve all various stakeholder from throughout your organisation. DPOrganizer is a SaaS company that helps privacy teams manage their processing of personal data, improve internal collaboration and simplify communication. With customers in 20 countries and offices in Stockholm and London, we are growing rapidly and we are now looking for new Swedish and English speaking talents to join the Sales Team in Stockholm. Data Protection Consultant at DPOrganizer, CIPP/E, Attorney-at-law, member of Thessaloniki's Bar Association Sverige Fler än 500 kontakter DPOrganizer is an innovative software as a service (SaaS) that helps organisations live with the challenges brought by the GDPR regulations. We provide a long term management solution for data protection that will help map, visualize, report, and manage the processing of personal data.

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The financing will be used to ramp up expansion both in Sweden and globally by strengthening the product, the tech team and expand its SaaS solution that helps companies worldwide to grow with the upcoming EU directive GDPR. DPOrganizer is a start-up that provides a data protection management software helping customers live and grow with the new Data Protection Regulation called GDPR. DPOrganizer offers a web-based software that is available 24/7 through your browser. DPOrganizer asked us … This site produces content for educational purposes only, not to provide specific legal advice. Information on this site should not be used as or considered a substitute for legal advice. DPOrganizer is a Swedish company offering a flexible and easy-to-use privacy management software.

Lägg gärna till mig på Linkedin  Cecilia) · DPOrganizer - kartlägg/kategorier av registrerade - sammanfattning. sponsra på facebook och linkedin · avregga och lägga till off-och onboarding  DpOrganizer hamnar i mitten med ett relativt nyutvecklat verktyg som Tveka inte att kontakta mig på mail eller på linkedIn om ni vill komma i  Egil Bergenlind, CEO inom DPOrganizer. Beskriver hur företag och organisationer ökar sin effektivitet genom att använda DPOrganizer tjänst  Ett startup som tagit rejäl fart bara senaste året är DPOrganizer.

Synch legal advisor to DPOrganizer in connection with financing

Much of my training focuses on engaging clients in the topics of GDPR and Cyber Security as all too often the training they’ve had in these areas is very dry and often poor. It will depend on your industry, for example there is a defined one for health and social care as per the NHS DP toolkit requirements. They are.

MVF - We are delighted to announce that our EPM team have

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KJELL & CO AB | LinkedIn photo. Go. Kjell & Company - Kunskap och tillbehör Kjell & Co - DPOrganizer photo.

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The B2B startup’s platform has helped hundreds of companies to comply with the GDPR. To accelerate their expansion beyond Europe, Carl Svantesson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer.
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We believe that privacy is one of the core concerns of modern society. New data protection laws are… – Se detta och liknande jobb på LinkedIn. View Susanna Riccardi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Susanna has 5 jobs listed on their profile.

About DPOrganizer.
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vd och grundare av DPOrganizer. Dave, I do have a list. I will provide it to clients but its generally not run through in training activities as it would take too much time.