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Want to try Chef Infra? For Chef Infra usage, please refer to Learn Chef, our self-paced, entirely free learning platform. Learn Chef also includes module-based training for Chef Infra, as well as Chef Automate, Chef Habitat, and Chef InSpec. The Chef Server acts as a hub for configuration data.
Chef is the leader in Continuous Automation software, and one of the founders of the DevOps movement. Chef works with more than a thousand of the most Chef is the leader in Continuous Automation software, and one of the founders of the DevOps movement.
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It can transform infrastructure into code and is a suitable choice for companies that sell IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) products. Chef is basically a combination of two suites, one is the Enterprise Automation Stack, and the other is the Effortless Infrastructure suite.
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2017-05-08 Chef is built to address the hardest infrastructure challenges on the planet. By modeling IT infrastructure and application delivery as code, Chef provides the power and flexibility to compete in "Chef provided an automation solution flexible enough to bend our scale dynamics without requiring us to change our workflow." "By bringing in Chef (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chef Enterprise Automation Stack Pricing Overview. Chef Enterprise Automation Stack pricing starts at $250.00 per user, per year. There is a free version. Chef Enterprise Automation Stack does not offer a free trial. See additional pricing details below. Continuously Deliver Applications and Infrastructure that are Secure by Design.
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Learn more. Webinars. Watch past Chef automation webinars and register for our upcoming webinars. Watch Webinars. Back Services & Support. Professional Services. Let our experts help accelerate your adoption of Chef and its best practices.