Grafisk design: Interaktion 2, Kurs, - Luleå tekniska universitet


Wayshowing > Wayfinding - Per Mollerup - Bok - Bokus

Mollerup, Per (2013). Wayshowing > wayfinding: basic and interactive. Baden: Lars Müller Publishers. Relevant klassenummer i NTNU i Gjøviks bibliotek: Per Mollerup (s. 20.helmikuuta 1942 Nakskov) on tanskalainen muotoilija ja tietokirjailija..

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En del skyltar är till för att  Även om Mollerup helst ser att vi klarar oss utan dem medges att skyltar är ett viktigt Berlin: DOM publishers Mollerup, Per (2013), Wayshowing > Wayfinding:  ISBN: 978-91-86009-01-4 Mollerup, Per (2013). Wayshowing > Wayfinding: basic & interactive. [New rev. and expanded ed.] Amsterdam.: BIS Publishers. Wayfinding och wayshowing Begreppet wayfinding syftar till den process vi går igenom när vi ska söka rätt på en Mollerup har kategoriserat nio wayfindingstrategier och menar att vi utgår ifrån en avläsning av den Mollerup, Per. (2013). The structure of the book is neat and simple: two main sections: principles of wayshowing and practice examples, each extremely valuable and rich of information.

From 1984 to 2009, Per Mollerup was the owner and principal of Designlab in Copenhagen, an awardwinning Danish design consultancy specialised in wayshowing and branding.

Wayshowing > Wayfinding - Per Mollerup - Bok - Bokus

This is a review of the renewed edition of Wayshowing 2005, Wayshowing > Wayfinding Basic & Interactive, by Per Mollerup. The first edition was sold out for a long time and was considered as the industry reference book for everything wayshowing, wayfinding and signs related. Wayshowing. A Guide to Environmental Signage.

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Per mollerup wayshowing wayfinding

ISBN: 978-  Wayshowing > Wayfinding : basic & interactive / Per Mollerup 2013Availability: Items available for loan: StáloluoktaCall number: Lam I Mollerup (1). Place hold  Per Mollerup. Mollerup, Per. (2005).

Per mollerup wayshowing wayfinding

Mar 24, 2016 - Category: Wall-mounted (perpendiclar) Designer: Kenya Hara Source: Wayshowing by: Per Mollerup.
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Wayshowing facilitate the PDF | On Dec 31, 2013, Veronika Egger published Wayshowing > Wayfinding Basic & Interactive.

Wayfinding > wayshowing. This is a review of the renewed edition of Wayshowing 2005, Wayshowing > Wayfinding Basic & Interactive, by Per Mollerup.
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Amsterdam: BIS Publishers. Passini, Romedi (1996), Wayfinding design: logic, application  A wayfinding theory was applied in order to analyze the empirical findings. According to this Per Mollerup, professor i Mollerup.P.

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Wayshowing > Wayfinding : basic & interactive / Per Mollerup.

And all signage examples are newly selected. Wayshowing > Wayfinding : basic & interactive / Per Mollerup. Mollerup, Per (författare) ISBN 9789063693237 [New rev. and expanded ed.] Publicerad: Amsterdam : BIS Publishers, 2013 Engelska 240 p. Wayfinding > wayshowing About Per Mollerup. Wayshowing > Wayfinding is written by Per Mollerup (1942), a Danish Designer and Professor of Wayfinding.