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Per-Eric Lund - Uppsala University, Sweden

SEpsis and Bacterial Resistance Alliance (SEBRA) is an awarded cross-professional interdisciplinary group of researchers and clinicians who represent the county hospital SUS Lund, and the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering (LTH) at Lund University. Infection Medicine (BMC)'s profile in Lund University Research portal Description Several research projects at our Division are focused on molecular and cellular mechanisms that contribute to the development of severe infections caused preferentially by bacteria, but also by viruses and fungi. BMC B10, Lund University 221 84 Lund, Sweden. Phone: + 46 46 222 42 59 Mobile: + 46 727 223178 Mail: Henrik [dot] Ahlenius [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se.

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A research group consists of a minimum of two primary investigators and preferable some post-docs and doctoral students, joined together by their joint research interest. You find a more exhaustive description of our research groups in Lund University's research portal. Nov. 2016: Erasmus Exchange student Lisa Yu from the University College London in England has joined our group for her Master's thesis. Oct. 2016: Erasmus Exchange student Tobias van Rossum from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the Netherlands has joined our group for a 3-months research internship. Lund University Box 117, 221 00 LUND Telephone (switchboard): +46-46-222 00 00 lu@lu.se Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden Telephone +46 (0)46 222 0000 (switchboard) Fax +46 (0)46 222 4720. Invoice address: Box 188, 221 00 Lund Organisation number: 202100-3211 fulltext with open access fulltext.

4 CREATE Health & Lund University CREATE Health & Lund University 5 The group of Prof. Ivan Scheblykin is focused on studying optical properties of functional materials in the field of organic photovoltaics. The methods used are mostly developed in-house together with two inverted fluorescence microscopes.

Per-Eric Lund - Uppsala University, Sweden

Giovanna Cazzolla has started her MSc research internship with us today. Welcome Giovanna! The Biomedical Center (BMC), located adjacent to Skåne University Hospital, is the single largest unit for research and teaching.

Johan A. Stenberg Externwebben - SLU

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TEAM Francesco joined BNL in February 2020 for his post-doctoral research project.

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The Clinical Research Centre (CRC) is located in Malmö.

På BMC bedrivs experimentell medicinsk forskning med klinisk inriktning. Lund Stem Cell Center BMC A12, Lund University 221 84 Lund, Sweden. Phone: +46 46 222 49 19 Email: Filipe [dot] Pereira [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se Webpage: https://pereiralab.com/ Profile in Lund University research … Read more about our research groups in Lund University Research Portal: Active and Healthy Ageing; Care in a high-tech environment; Child and Family Health; Clinical Health Promotion Centre; Health-promoting Complex Interventions; Integrative Health Research; Mental Health, Activity and Participation; Midwifery research - reproductive, perinatal and sexual health The Protein Structure and Bioinformatics (LU PSB) develops methods and performs analyses to understand biological and medical phenomena at genetic, functional, mechanical and systems level. The group has two major research areas.
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Kajsa M Paulsson - Chair of the Active Cooperation group at

Back to top Skip to main content To Lund University Listen. Search VBE - Science and Proven Experience - a research program 2015-2020 funded by Riksbankens Jubilieumsfond, Research groups Ahlenius, Henrik: Stem Cells, Aging and Neurodegeneration Artner, Isabella: Endocrine Cell Differentiation and Function Bellodi, Cristian: RNA and Stem Cell Biology Bengzon, Johan: Glioma Cell Therapy Bourgine, Paul: Bone Formation Processes Bryder, David: Developmental Hematopoiesis An infrastructure with many possibilities. Lund University Bioimaging Center (LBIC) is a resource of unique technologies and expertise available to preclinical and clinical research groups at Lund University, Region Skåne as well as external organizations and companies.

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Here at Biomedical Centre (BMC), experimental medical research with a clinical orientation is being conducted. BMC is almost wall to wall with Skåne University Hospital in Lund, which makes the distances, between the clinic, the laboratory and back to the clinic, short, not only in thought but also physically.