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The company has approximately 380 employees with 17 offices around the world and has been listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange since 2002 with the ticker QFR. 10 March 2021 Q-Free: Approval and publication of listing prospectus 8 March 2021 Q-Free: Traffic Management contract in USA – ~60 MNOK 4 March 2021 Q-Free: Trond Christensen appointed permanent CFO 25 February 2021 Q-Free: Settlement of mandatory offer Q-Free ASA 24 February 2021 Q-Free: Tolling contract in Norway – 40 MNOK 17 February 2021 Q-Free: Share capital increase registered Q-Free. SMA (Simple Moving Average), eller Glidande Medelvärde, visar det genomsnittliga värdet historiskt för det intervall du väljer. Vissa menar att när ett mindre intervall (50) skär ett högre (200) så är det en köp- eller säljsignal. Q-Free ASA: Q-FREE: Strong third quarter 2020 results.

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Q-Free’s Intrada ALPR and Intrada Synergy Server are used as a proven technology for this proven concept and have been deployed in Asia, North America, and Europe. 2021-03-28 · Q-Free ASA er et teknologiselskap som ble etablert som Micro Design AS i 1984.

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. 2019-03-18 · About Q-Free ASA Q-Free ASA is a supplier of intelligent transport systems and toll collection systems. The Company's Q-Free System includes a series of single products that makes complete systems Q-Free Intelight | Leader in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) providing traffic management software, ATC cabinets, ATC controllers, and hi-res data.

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Q-FREE SOFTWARE DE GESTIÓN DE TURNOS Mejora los tiempos de atención y experiencia del usuario y cliente final. MÁS INFORMACIÓN BENEFICIOS Feedback de clientes Reduce tiempos de espera Mejora la satisfacción del cliente Elimina colas desordenadas Llamada de pacientes por voz en pantallas Optimiza tu productividad y costos Atrae clientes Notificación por E-mail y SMS … Home Leer más » Free Q optimaliseert de communicatie en het leiderschap binnen uw organisatie. Door de aanpak van Free Q hervinden mensen en organisaties hun kracht, wat zich direct vertaalt in uitzonderlijke resultaten voor de organisatie. Q-Free was mentioned by Bloomberg LP ( as a prime supplier of solutions for reducing congestion and improving air quality. Q-Free’s Intrada ALPR and Intrada Synergy Server are used as a proven technology for this proven concept and have been deployed in Asia, North America, and Europe.

Q-Free is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker QFR. Kilde: OBI Q-Free ASA ( OSE: QFR) er et teknologiselskap som ble etablert som Micro Design AS i 1984. Selskapet byttet navn til Q-Free i 1998. Selskapet leverer teknologi blant annet for innkreving av betaling ved veiprising, parkering og C-ITS.
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Q-Free ASA | 6,498 followers on LinkedIn. Changing the movements of life | THE PRIME MOVER IN INTELLIGENT TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS Q-Free ASA (OSE: QFR) is a global innovator in intelligent Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.