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You must be logged in to post a comment. 2020-08-08 TUBULUS Argentus power and speakers cables should for sure be more then worthy of the attention for those willing to step into the high-end audio cabling or upgrade their existing high-performance wire connection. Mono and Stereo 10/10/2014. TUBULUS Argentus – Analog Interconnect & USB Cable review 2020-06-10 Tubulus Argentus HDMI i2s audio cable 1.5m length Excellent condition. Refer to pics. Refer to link for description: https://www.highendcableshop.com/product/tubulus The TUBULUS Argentus XP Umbilical Cable is a perfect upgrade for the Pass Labs XP-22, XP-32 and XP-27 phono preamp.

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2021. márc. 31. Visszaszerez média HDMI^2 i2s Cable – Phasure; színárnyalat Szomszédság Napier Tubulus Argentus i2s Cable - High end audio i2s cable  22 Dec 2020 PS Audio Power Plant 3, AQ Diamond USB, Tubulus Argentus i2s, DH Labs cables (Red Wave PCs, Revelation XLR), GR-Research speaker  6 days ago i just can't deal with them.

These are solid core conductors to prevent strand interaction, which is a major source of distortion.

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Just ordered two Tubulus Argentus DB-25 V2 umbilicals for my two Pass XP-25. Can't wait to get them and see for myself what they are doing compared to the stock "printer" cables that come with the phono amps. Lol coincidence, my tubulus argentus arrived yesterday too. Looks well made, and not as stiff as I thought it was.

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Tubulus argentus

Mono and Stereo 10/10/2014.

Tubulus argentus

These are solid core conductors to prevent strand interaction, which is a major source of distortion. The silvered conductors are surrounded by mainly air, because (except for a vacuum) air is the best dielectric. The TUBULUS Argentus Digital Interconnect V2 is based on pure silver conductors. These are solid core conductors to prevent strand interaction, which is a major source of distortion.
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These are solid core conductors to prevent strand interaction, which is a major source of distortion.
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The TUBULUS Argentus DB-25 Cable V2 is a high end umbilical cable based on high quality silvered copper conductors. These are solid core conductors to prevent strand interaction, which is a major source of distortion.

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