Guide för Duodopa-användare - Medicininstruktioner


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See Table 2for the recommended tubing sets for naso-jejunal administration. Instruktionsfilm för sjukvård Duodopa® (levodopa/karbidopa). Intestinal gel, pump zoars. However, when using J-PEG tubes for intrajejunal Duodopa infusion, patients may ingest a large portion of indigestible fibers and form phytobezoars at the pigtail of the J-PEG tube.

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For long-term administration, the gel should be administered with a portable pump directly into the duodenum or upper jejunum by a permanent tube via percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy with an outer transabdominal tube and an inner intestinal tube. for PEG-J administration. For short-term, temporary administration of DUOPA prior to PEG-J tube placement, treatment may be initiated by a naso-jejunal tube with observation of the patient’s clinical response. See Table 2for the recommended tubing sets for naso-jejunal administration. Instruktionsfilm för sjukvård Duodopa® (levodopa/karbidopa). Intestinal gel, pump zoars.

Another two studies noted that the main safety issue of the LCIG related to the About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators PEG-J Tube: This is how the medications goes into your body, directly to the intestine. To clean the tubing and prevent blockages, it should be flushed with a syringe before and after every pump use. Routine care will vary depending on the type of PEG-J tubing used.

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2 Once the PEG-J tube is in place, the patient can connect to a cassette of Duopa each morning and receive a continuous dose of carbidopa/levodopa for 16 hours. The PEG tube and J-tube will periodically require replacement.

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Duodopa peg j tube

Overall, 91 procedures were carried out on 43 patients who had an initial response to Duodopa including replacements. Duodopa – PEG gastrostomy Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and jejunal tube (PEG-J) placement is a suitable option for this. However, studies focused in PEG-J management are lacking. 2017-07-31 Instruktionsfilm för sjukvård Duodopa® (levodopa/karbidopa). Intestinal gel, pump PEG/J-letkun valmistelu, asetus ja hoito PEG/J‐letkua koskeviin keskeisiin tietoihin perustuva PEG/J‐letkun ja nenä‐suoliletkun asetustoimenpidettä koskeva koulutus terveydenhuoltohenkilöstölle: • Käytettävät materiaalit • Potilaan valmistelu • Asetus • Jälkihoito RMP versio 7.2, 13.3.2017 Material and methods: A total of 14 PD patients were assessed for Duodopa pump therapy in the 2004-2008 period. After an initial test week, 12 of the patients had a permanent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube inserted containing a smaller intestinal tube terminating in the duodenum. PEG-J Tube 2.

Duodopa peg j tube

for PEG-J administration. For short-term, temporary administration of DUOPA prior to PEG-J tube placement, treatment may be initiated by a naso-jejunal tube with observation of the patient’s clinical response. See Table 2for the recommended tubing sets for naso-jejunal administration.
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Duodopa-sonder som  av P Elbe — J. Gastroenterol Hepatol.

However, when using J-PEG tubes for intrajejunal Duodopa infusion, patients may ingest a large portion of indigestible fibers and form phytobezoars at the pigtail of the J-PEG tube. Peristaltic movements can propel the be-zoar, stretching the J-PEG tube. When the J-PEG tube is stretched tightly, it may carve in the mucosa and cause Push the AbbVie PEG Tube carefully 3-4 cm into the stoma and move the Tube in a bi-directional motion (back and forth) every time the dressing is changed.
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doi: 10.1159/000452694. Introduction: Duodopa ® is a modern treatment for advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (PD) administrated via PEG-J by means of a tube connected to an external pump. . Duodopa ® is delivered continuously in small quanta preventing large plasma level fluctuations and thus suppressing disabling motor complications related to oral treatment in advanced stages is administered by a pump connected to the body using a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy with jejunal tube (PEG-J tube).

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the costs of endoscopic insertion of the PEG-J tube, and the resources required for this procedure, and for subsequent maintenance. DRUG REIMBURSEMENT RECOMMENDATION Levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel (Duodopa) — CDEC Meeting — July 17, 2018 duodopa®Pump . 4 Medication cassette . Bi. The tube, connectors and pump contain metal parts that may cause indication on a metal detector.