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You have 20 years to work on this life purpose project. Please note -- the RAD 2400 HD’s continuous frequency setting dial is not designed for exactness, so people who want the ability to set specific frequencies (besides the device’s pre-set frequencies) with precision should consider the PFC 2000 DL or one of our other heavy duty Orgone Generators with that capability (such as the PFC 2400 HD, Performer 2400 HD, etc.). RAD 5 Abstraction- based Trend Generator, 5 Generators in Donut Shape -- top of line device - $3,399.00 Donut-shaped Orgone generator®, specifically designed for the Manifestation Program for PC. The five output pipes point to the center. The RAD 1000 - 3-Dial Radionics + Orgone Generator Device Orgone Generator - equivalent of hundreds of orgonite pyramids - more powerful than the JU 99 series (about double, silver tubing output, stick pad, use the output as a well for the target and/or trend setup. An in depth side by side comparison of the JU1000 and the RAD1000. Includes details on the practice of radionics and using frequencies in manifestation.orgon The RAD 2000 is an advanced Orgone Radionics™ device. With three dedicated radionics dials, frequency tuning capability, and substantial Orgone output, the RAD 2000 is an extremely versatile Orgone Generator®.

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An imporatnt step !!! In 1997 Karl Hans Welz succeeded to send signals accross the Atlantic machine to machine, … Buy Orgone Generator RAD2000 on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders The reasons are obvious: you can set up the Chi Generator to emit Low Pulse Orgone in the exact frequency of brain waves: Alpha, Beta, Theta, or Delta. When you are in a field of LPO (Low Pulse Orgone, or Chi), your brain can adjust to its frequency almost instantly. Self Improvement / March 16, 2021 March 16, 2021 / abundance, acupuncture, atg 12, Rad 5 Orgone Generator Radionics Machine Chi Generator.

Self Improvement / April 2, 2021 April 2, 2021 0 There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The radionics rate determines the frequency of the orgone generator.

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The built-in middle of the line orgone generator® (same power as in the LPOG 2400 DL) has its own frequency setting. Silver tubing output, stick pad, beamer plate (well). RAD 3000 HD - Early radionics device (1995) with nine dials, 100 positions each, and three dials to set the pulse rate of the built-in orgone generator®.

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Rad 2021 orgone generator

They are arranged as part of a donut shaped chi generators® & orgone generators® that is connected with a … Each orgone generator of the RAD 5 is switched on and off individually. Moreover, the output has the same characteristics as the AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer (and the ATG 12), i.e., you can use the RAD 5 to make living water that is charged with life energy. Moreover, you can charge this water with the specific The RAD 2000 3-Dial Power Radionics™ Device The RAD 2000 is a three-dial Radionics device with a built-in orgone generator®. The built-in middle of the line orgone generator® (same power as in the LPOG 2400 DL) has its own frequency setting. Silver tubing output, stick pad, beamer plate (well). Rad 2000 Radionics Machine "The Wishing Machine" for advanced Law Of Attraction Operations using Quantum Physics with integrated Prana Orgonite Chi Orgone Generator.Law Of Attraction on Steroids! The Rad 2000 can be used on many other ways other than to do Law Of Attraction operations.

Rad 2021 orgone generator

They are arranged as part of a donut shaped chi generators® & orgone generators® that is connected with a radionics tuner that has 5 x 3, totally, 15 dials. RAD 2000 Advanced Radionics Machine. The RAD 2000 is an advanced Orgone Radionics™ device. With three dedicated radionics dials, frequency tuning capability, and substantial Orgone output, the RAD 2000 is an extremely versatile Orgone Generator®.
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With three dedicated radionics dials, frequency tuning capability, and substantial Orgone output, the RAD 2000 is an extremely versatile Orgone Generator®. Please note -- the RAD 2400 HD’s continuous frequency setting dial is not designed for exactness, so people who want the ability to set specific frequencies (besides the device’s pre-set frequencies) with precision should consider the PFC 2000 DL or one of our other heavy duty Orgone Generators with that capability (such as the PFC 2400 HD, Performer 2400 HD, etc.). The RAD 1000 is our entry-level radionics device. Solid, sleek, and powerful, the RAD 1000 is a popular choice for beginners and for advanced practitioners interested in experimenting with Orgone Radionics™.
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In this video, we provide an introductory demonstration to the RAD 2000 Orgone Generator®. The RAD 2000 is a mid-level device and has a variety of features, The product featured in this video is the Performer 2400 HD Orgone Generator®: https://orgonegenerator.com/products/performer-2400-hd-orgone-generator-chi-ge The RAD-1000 comes with free Transfer Disk, allows full transfer of chi energy from the machine to your body over vast distances. Wirelessly.

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Essence of Spirit - Orgonite® Pyramid - Orgone Energy - Meditation Tool - MADE TO ORDER Listed on Jan 1, 2021 The product featured in this video is the Performer 2400 HD Orgone Generator®: https://orgonegenerator.com/products/performer-2400-hd-orgone-generator-chi-ge In this video, we provide an introductory demonstration to the RAD 2000 Orgone Generator®. The RAD 2000 is a mid-level device and has a variety of features, RAD 2000 Advanced Radionics Machine. The RAD 2000 is an advanced Orgone Radionics™ device. With three dedicated radionics dials, frequency tuning capability, and substantial Orgone output, the RAD 2000 is an extremely versatile Orgone Generator®. Please note -- the RAD 2400 HD’s continuous frequency setting dial is not designed for exactness, so people who want the ability to set specific frequencies (besides the device’s pre-set frequencies) with precision should consider the PFC 2000 DL or one of our other heavy duty Orgone Generators with that capability (such as the PFC 2400 HD, Performer 2400 HD, etc.).