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Se nyinflyttade, telefonnummer, kartor mm. Morteza Rezaei Soufi, Siavash Khodaparast *, Sina Eisazadeh Reza Seyedi, Yaping Zhong *, Siavash Khodaparast, Dominique Sigillo, Ahad Azizi, Qu mohammad.h @mohammad.pooreii.h8526 · morteza khodaparast @morteza. khodaparast1367 · mostafa @mo.stafa4557 · nabavi.azim @nabavi.azim · najme Dr. morteza khodaparast zyaware – Dr. yahya dadju – Dr. Arazo khosravi – Dr. Azam asfire mardanloo – Dr. soheila abdi – Dr. seyyed Leila Hosseini nejad – Dr. Khatib, Mohammad Mehdi [1] · Khodabakhsh, Saeed [2] · Khodabakhsh, Saeed [2] · Khodabakhshi, Morteza [1] · Khodaparast, Sedighe [1] · Khosravi, Vahid [1] Authors. Siavash Khodaparast · Morteza Rezaei Soufi · Maryam Kazemy. 1 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan. 23 Mar 2021 Author links open overlay panelMortezaShahriariArashZibaee Seyyed Akbar KhodaparastMahmoudFazeli-DinanHassanHodaAlirezaArmand.
Total views. 355 Iranian Journal of Pediatrics The Official Journal of Growth & Development Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Chinizadeh, Morteza and Kiahosseini, Seyed Rahim 2017. Deformation, microstructure, hardness, and pitting corrosion of 316 stainless steel after laser forming: A comparison between natural and forced cooling. Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 32, Issue. 16, p.
Maryam Khodaparast flyttade in på Flyttade hit för 2 år sedan. Amirhossein Khodaparast Flyttade hit för 2 år sedan.
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Med Facebook kan du dela Morteza Amiri · Morteza Khodaparast · Morteza Morteza · Morteza Alvandy. Morteza amiri. Följ · m.daryagard77s profilbild · m.daryagard77.
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This is RIS official website managed by Iranian students at Rice university, Hosuton, Texas. View Morteza Taheribakhsh(Taribakhsh)’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community.
See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Morteza’s connections and jobs at similar companies. برای بار اول: (1397, Khodaparast Zavareh, Morteza؛ ) برای بار دوم به بعد: (1397, Khodaparast Zavareh؛ ) برای آشنایی کامل با نحوه مرجع نویسی لطفا بخش راهنمای سیویلیکا (مرجع دهی) را ملاحظه نمایید. Mohammad Hossein Haddad-Khodaparast; Department of Food Processing, Research Institute of Food Science and Technology (RIFST), P.O. Box 91735-147, Mashhad, Iran. Abdolmajid Maskooki & Morteza Mohamadi; Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Tabriz, P.O. Box 91735-147, Tabriz, Iran. Sodeif Azadmard-Damirchi
As the depth of the beam increases, the probability of the occurrence of lateral-torsional buckling and damage increases as well. Researchers have been able to resolve this problem to some extent by changing the web of the beam into an accordion web.
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Morteza has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Morteza’s connections and jobs at similar companies. برای بار اول: (1397, Khodaparast Zavareh, Morteza؛ ) برای بار دوم به بعد: (1397, Khodaparast Zavareh؛ ) برای آشنایی کامل با نحوه مرجع نویسی لطفا بخش راهنمای سیویلیکا (مرجع دهی) را ملاحظه نمایید.
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Grannar på Saimagatan 7, Stockholm
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Grannar på Saimagatan 7, Stockholm
Fungi Journal of Article Screening and Virulence of the Entomopathogenic Fungi Associated with Chilo suppressalis Walker Morteza Shahriari 1, Arash Zibaee 1,* , Seyyed Akbar Khodaparast 1 and Mahmoud Fazeli-Dinan 2 The current study aimed to explore the entomopathogenic fungi associated with the larvae of Chilo suppressalis Walker, a serious pest of rice, in northern Iran.