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The Essence STX II is a PCIe x1 solution engineered for audiophiles and audio purists who demand top-notch sound from their desktops. Built on the acclaimed Essence STX, it takes the legendary audio quality to a new level with an industry-leading 124 dB SNR, an ultra-low ASUS marked their entry into the high-end sound card market with the Xonar Essence ST some years ago. Today, we will take a good look at the new STX II. The STX II brings new op-amps and a more precise clock generator to the table; the latter should lower jitter. The STX II also bolsters 7.1 outputs through a small break-out card. Comparison of ASUS Xonar Essence ST vs ASUS Essence STX II Sound Cards. Compare the main Features, Specifications, Prices and Select the Best Model.

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Tänkte ta tillfället i akt och höra om jag kunde få hjälp den här vägen. Jag har ett Asus Xonar Essence STX II som är analogkopplat till mitt ljud system hemma genom 6ch (RCA kablar) till mitt ljudsystem. Det fungerade prima fram till att jag uppgraderade mitt OS till Win10, efter det har allt gått åt pipan My quick review of the Asus Xonar Essence STX Audiophile Sound Card. They are F***KING Amazing!

The Xonar is sure coming of age, as the STX II is the follow up to the Essence STX, a sound card that changed the landscape of PC audio. Hi-Fi quality sound card with 124dB SNR clarity, top-notch headphone amplifier and premium TCXO clock source.Industry-leading 124dB SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) audio quality inherited from the revolutionary and widely-acclaimed Xonar Essence ST/STX Ultra-low jitter with premium TCXO clock source Guru3D.com » Review » ASUS Xonar Essence STX soundcard review » Page 1 ASUS Xonar Essence STX soundcard review - Introduction by Steven ROBSCIX Wall on: 02/12/2009 03:00 PM [ ] 0 comment(s) Sammenlign priser på Asus Xonar Essence STX II Lydkort.

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В 2009 компания Asus выпустила первое  28 Jun 2014 Asus Xonar Essence STX II is not a completely new model, but it represents a clear & consistent evolution of the most successful soundcard  20 Oct 2009 Crave high-end audio, but use Linux? The situation surrounding this has been bad in the past, but that's not so much the case now, especially  1 Aug 2014 I've just bought an Asus Xonar Essesnce STX II sound card for my machine, running Ubuntu Re: Asus Xonar Essence STX II not detected. 26 Jul 2014 Asus is bring out a new card called the Asus Xonar Essence STX II this year that gas even lower jitter and better specs. Any one else had this  6 May 2014 The Essence STX II 7.1 Sound Card is capable of a 124db signal to noise ratio with support for headphones up to 600 ohm impedance.


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Begär offert Asus Xonar AE 7.1 Internt ljudkort PCIe Digital utgång, externa hörlursuttag. Artikel nr.: 1574725. 7.1-channel Hi-Fi quality sound card with 124dB SNR clarity, top-notch headphone amplifier and premium TCXO ASUS Soundcard Xonar Essence STX II 7.1. ASUS Xonar Essence STX II 7.1.

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