Starch in the Bioeconomy: Goffin, Benedicte, Wertz, Jean-Luc
Report this profile Experience Project associate Certech Nov 2015 - Present 5 years 5 months. View Marie’s full profile See who you know in common Get Certech (The Centre of Technological Resources in Chemistry) is a contract research organisation, offering a wide range of services to industries. Certech is working not only for the chemical industry but also in other fields where its expertise can be an asset, such as automotive, construction, packaging, food, agriculture, personal care, pharmaceutical, energy, environment. Certech mission Seneffe • Management of the Analytical Team (12 Ph.D, Engineers and Technicians) • Analytical support for Industrials Companies and Certech Project Managers through three axis (Materials Technology, Environment and Process Intensification) See what employees say about what it's like to work at Certech. Salaries, reviews and more - all posted by employees working at Certech. 2019-07-15 View Karl Crener’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community.
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In this series the following reports have already been published. Report No. 1: Radon in indoor air. EUR 11917 EN, 1988. * Report No. 2: Formaldehyde emission from wood-based materials: guideline for the determination of Partenaire de R&D et prestataire de services analytiques pour les entreprises impliquées dans des activités liées à la chimie.
Key Technologies: GPC, ELSD, HPLC, Spectroscopy, Thermal Analysis, Microscopy Main Application Areas: Environmental, Material Science Workshop highlights The content and agenda of the workshops are flexible and can be adjusted to the attendee´s level of expertise.
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Project Associate på Certech. 13 mars 2017 - idag·Seneffe. Tidigare Internship vid ITQ Instituto de Tecnología Química UPV CSIC.
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28 août 2019 C'est le thème de notre P'tit-dej techno de rentrée : il aura lieu le jeudi 12 septembre, de 8h45 à 10h45, au Certech, à Seneffe. Pour le Dr
She joined Certech (Seneffe, Belgium) in 1998 as Project Manager. With more than 20 years of experience in the field of polymer science, Bénédicte is leading
des Plantes Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France. c Centre de Ressources Technologiques en Chimie (CERTECH), Seneffe, Belgique
P'tit-dej Technologique sur les odeurs industrielles.
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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Gisèle’s connections and jobs at similar companies. As a first step, the University erects the Chemical Technological Resources Centre (CERTECH) in the industrial zone of Seneffe. The centre is expected to act as a catalyst which ultimately will allow for the setting-up of small and big independent firms within this future industrial growth area and thus revitalize this region through the development of their industrial activities in various Účinnost nanočističek byla měřena v Mikrobiologické laboratoři FN Hradec Králové, Technické univerzitě v Liberci katedře nanotechnologií, v Laboratořích Certech Seneffe-Belgium a Univerzité de Pau et pays de l´Adour France. Nanopovrchy TiO2 na kovových lamelách byly testovány při likvidaci virů na SZÚ. Dr. Ing. Julien Estagar, Certech, Seneffe, Belgium, introduced the research center Certech (The Centre of Technological Resources in Chemistry).
2011 Seneffe-Manage.
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With more than 20 years of experience in the field of polymer science, Bénédicte is leading 19 mars 2020 sur les composites à Seneffe, au CERTECH, en Belgique. Réservez votre date pour découvrir les résultats de recherche de ces 2 projets ! 16 déc. 2019 Découvrez l'entreprise CERTECH sur Europages et entrez directement en contact avec elle pour avoir plus d'informations, demander un devis, Certech est un partenaire de recherche & développement et prestataire de services analytiques et technologiques pour les entreprises.
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Starch in the Bioeconomy: Goffin, Benedicte, Wertz, Jean-Luc
François Collignon .