Västsaharas kamp för självbestämmande. Polisario - Stiftelsen


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The Polisario Front, the organisation seeking independence for the disputed territory of Western Sahara, said this weekend it had launched attacks on Moroccan forces after ending a 30-year ceasefire. 2020-11-16 2020-11-13 The Polisario Front attacked Spain with terrorist acts during the 1970s, Morocco took advantage of Spain’s situation of weakness during the transition period (the fascist dictator Francisco Franco was dying) and with the support of the United States it ventured to carry out the so-called green march. The Polisario Front, Frente Polisario, FRELISARIO or simply POLISARIO, from the Spanish abbreviation of Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro (Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro, Arabic: الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير ساقية الحمراء و وادي الذهب ‎ Al-Jabhat Al-Sha'abiyah Li-Tahrir Saqiya Al-Hamra'a wa The Sahara Press Service (SPS) owned by the Polisario Front reported that the movement's forces bombed the Guerguerat region on Saturday evening. The news agency quoted a military source as sa 2021-01-23 2020-11-15 Polisario Front.

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Tolv av dem är kvinnor. Nationalsekretariatet består av 41 medlemmar. Polisario Front bildades först och främst som ett svar på den politiska blindheten, oförståelsen och okunnigheten hos Spanien, kolonialmakten i området. Spanien avvisade i juni 1970 de fredliga förslag och försök till försoning, som Basiri, ledaren för den första västsahariska befrielserörelsen, la fram. Polisario Front (Spanish, Larabci: الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير الساقية الحمراء ووادي الذهب ‎ an fassara zuwa al-dshabha ash-shaʿbīya li-tahrīr as-Sāqiya al-Hamrā’ wa-Wādī dh-Dhahab, da Turanci an fassara zuwa Popular Front for the Liberation of el Hamra da Río de Oro) ƙungiya ce ta soja da siyasa, wacce ke aiki a Yammacin Sahara. Conflict Beginnings of armed struggle.

Frente POLISARIO = Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia el Hamra y Río de Oro, arab.

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301 likes · 1 talking about this. Frente Popular por la Liberacion de Saguia al Hamra y Rio de Oro (POLISARIO) サギア・エル・ハムラおよびリオ・デ・オロ解放人民戦線(スペイン語: Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro, POLISARIO )、通称ポリサリオ戦線(ポリサリオせんせん、スペイン語: Frente Polisario )は、西サハラにおける独立国家建設を目指す武装、政治組織。 Kontrollera 'Polisario Front' översättningar till engelska. Titta igenom exempel på Polisario Front översättning i meningar, lyssna på uttal och lära dig grammatik.

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Polisario front

Pro-independence Polisario Front rebel soldiers are seen during a military parade in the Western. December 16, 2020, 12:14 pm. What's next for  Nov 18, 2020 Intissar Fakir lays down the basics of the conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front independence organization.Over the weekend, the  Mauritania and the Polisario Front, against Morocco alone.
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The Polisario Front, which represents the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic from exile in Tindouf, Algeria, made peace with Mauritania in 1979. Pockets of fighting with Morocco continued until 1991 when the two parties reached an agreement which called for a referendum to be held, while preserving the status quo, and the implementation of a UN-backed buffer zone. De senaste tweetarna från @Polisario_ VICE News travels to Western Sahara's occupied and liberated territories, as well as the Polisario-run refugee camps in Algeria, to find out more about one o Polisario Front is similar to these political parties: MPLA, Sahrawi National Union Party, National Democratic Congress (Ghana) and more. Morocco warned the Polisario Front on Thursday about the repercussions of the decision to block the passage of goods and individuals through the Guerguerat crossing point linking the Kingdom and Historia. El Frente Polisario es el sucesor del Movimiento para la Liberación del Sahara, de finales de la década de 1960, dirigido por Mohamed Sidi Brahim Basir, que desapareció a manos de la policía territorial española en una insurrección en 1970 en El Aaiún, en la que varios saharauis fueron abatidos por la Legión Española durante la dictadura de Franco.

Dakhla (Refugee Camps), July 9, 2016 (SPS) - Ibrahim Ghali was elected  Human rights violations and abuses have been committed by both sides - the Moroccan authorities and the pro-independence Polisario Front  Our journalists are working on this story and will update it as soon as more information becomes available. 2005 undertecknade Polisario Front förbudet mot landminor. i flera år olika minröjarorganisationer i samarbete med Polisario Front röjt minor. Marocko har ockuperat större delarna av forna Spanska Sahara (Västsahara) medan befrielserörelsen Polisario utropat området till en självständig stat.
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The Polisario Front, Frente Polisario, FRELISARIO or simply POLISARIO, from the Spanish abbreviation of Frente Popular de Liberación de Saguía el Hamra y Río de Oro (Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Río de Oro, Arabic: الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير ساقية الحمراء و وادي الذهب ‎ Al-Jabhat Al-Sha'abiyah Li-Tahrir Saqiya Al-Hamra'a wa The Sahara Press Service (SPS) owned by the Polisario Front reported that the movement's forces bombed the Guerguerat region on Saturday evening. The news agency quoted a military source as sa 2021-01-23 2020-11-15 Polisario Front. 2 likes.

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Political parties similar to or like Polisario Front. Sahrawi rebel national liberation movement aiming … The Western Sahara's Polisario Front group said on Friday that Morocco had broken their ceasefire and "ignited war", but Rabat denied there had been any armed clashes and said the three-decade The Polisario Front insists on having a self-determination referendum, to be held by the region's population, which it estimates ranges between 350,000 and 500,000 inhabitants. The Polisario Front, the organisation seeking independence for the disputed territory of Western Sahara, said this weekend it had launched attacks on Moroccan forces after ending a 30-year ceasefire.