Petrea vackra blommor / Hem och trädgård Spanien
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Family: Verbenaceae (ver-be-NAY-see-ee) Genus: Petrea (PEE-tree-uh) This plant was offered in the end of the season sale last Fall at a local nursery. Petrea volubilis albiflora or White Queen's Wreath is a tropical true vine (extends tendrils to attach to objects and climb) native to Mexico and Central America. Also commonly known as Sandpaper Vine or White Petrea, this vining beauty produces stunning all-white flowers that resemble Northern Wisteria. Huge drooping panicles of long lasting, lavender, star-shaped calyxes that are centered by royal purple 1/2'' rounded verbena-like flowers that may be produced anytime between January and August. The medium-green leaves are textured like sandpaper.
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23, Virginia Sale, 93, USA, Skådespelerska. Topper · Badmans territorium. 29, Teddy Turner, 75, Storbritannien, Skådespelare, Dracula. September, 6, Henry Fotografii și imagini. Catch up on your love interest in these high-quality, full-screen photos.
2020-08-17 Purple Passion is well behaved vine with large flowers that appear in spring over a long period.
Worcester Skandinavia Archives, Feb 3, 1909, p. 16
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Vackra Ömtåliga Klöver Trefoil Blommor I Skymningen - iStock
All vine collectors desire it, but its very difficult to find. We have a few rare seeds. Petrea is a woody-stemmed climber that twines around any available support. Perfect 2018-05-08 Petrea volubilis is an interesting vine for its leaves as well as the flowers. I saw this first in its native Mexico and was intrigued by the Sandpaper textured leaves.
Queens Wreath is a glorious vine from Mexico that blooms long tresses of lavender blue blossoms that resemble tiny orchids. All vine collectors desire it, but its very difficult to find. We have a few rare seeds.
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Light: Partial to full sun.
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Wisteria Vine. Related products. Waterhousia floribunda-.
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Bloom: White, star-like blooms from February to June. Comments: It is a large twining vine with long clusters of star-like flowers.