/way … Thanthaldis Snowgleam and Jorek Ironside were only intended to be active during Wow's 15th Anniversary Celebration. We have confirmed that their unavailability during the 16th Anniversary is not a bug. If you would like to see them return for future Anniversary … I can confirm that this mount is available from Jorek Ironside, it costs 2000 Honor and you do not need to be exalted to buy it. His location is 58.09, 33.69 or for those of you who don't use tomtom or similar addons, he is more-or-less in the middle between … Jorek Ironside - Frostwolf Supply Officer, Level: 58, Classification: Elite, React: A H, Faction: Frostwolf Clan, Damage: 415 - 622, Immunities: , Type: Humanoid Actually, that is a reference to World of Warcraft. WoW been around way longer. also sold by jorek ironside for those hordies lookin for it Jorek Ironside.

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Added in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. Jorek Ironside is a level 58 PvP rewards vendor located outside the Alterac Valley entrance in the contested territory of Alterac Mountains. To find him go to Tarren Mill and find the graveyard (through town from the flight path) then go due north. He is the Frostwolf Supply Officer for the Horde. He replaces Jekyll Flandring as the Horde Frostwolf Supply Officer.

Thanks to Reddit user DarkmoonBlade_2000 for the pro tip! Actually, that is a reference to World of Warcraft.

To find him go to Tarren Mill and find the graveyard (through town from the flight path) then go due north. He is the Frostwolf Supply Officer for the Horde. Jorek Ironside is an Elite NPC that can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills. In the NPCs category.

Wow jorek ironside

Rather, I see Time-Displaced Jorek Ironside which does not have the mount for sale.

Wow jorek ironside

Always up to date. Jorek Ironside is an orc PvP rewards vendor located outside the Alterac Valley entrance in the Alterac Mountains. To find him go to Tarren Mill and find the graveyard (through town from the flight path) then go due north. He is the Frostwolf Supply Officer for the Horde.
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Added in World of Warcraft: Legion. Always up to date. Time-Displaced Jorek Ironside is an Elite NPC that can be found in Hillsbrad Foothills.
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Additional Information. Sells (33) Comments; Screenshots Hello all, I am looking to buy the [Horn of the Frostwolf Howler] mount but when i go to the location I do not see Jorek Ironside.

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