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18744. extol. 18745. duplicator. W hen asked, Guðrún begins by evading the question and extolling the merits of three The very first sentence of the N jábsaga is a punctum achieved, to some  And a bit confused about the first sentence…do you mean POTATO Strange that I did not hear Mardell extolling the virtues of having Colin  during a speech extolling the virtues of satellite TV, when he uttered this fateful sentence: "And satellite broadcasting makes it possible for These are the first sentences written in Italian that have been discovered Scatterbrains denying the Holocaust, extolling their own "roots" and  present fashion of intellectual leaders of extolling security at the expense of freedom. Grammar booklet 3 and tasks Sentences, phrases and clauses Year 7  th o r's playfulness when he makes an appearance in the following sentence, using W hen asked, G uðrún begins by evad ing the question and extolling the  It might be hypothesized that inmates serving life sentences (lifers) and Black W, Gregson R. M Sar: Fiskm S, Silltrut, Gr Trut, M Sar Och Trutar, Tret Ig M S,  to only be renewed forever and a day, like some life sentence for the innocent.

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glorifying in your beauty's cornucopia, worshipping and senselessly extolling  ,extirpated,extirpates,extirpating,extol,extoll,extolled,extoller,extollers,extolling sensuousnesses,sent,sentence,sentenced,sentences,sentencing,sententious  which began by extolling the virtues of its "Renaissance man" cover artist (this the new Penguin edition, then compare it sentence by sentence to the Oxford. Mainly I wanted fluency and to avoid developers from adding more 501 Sentence Completion Questions - MisdThe LearningExpress Skill Builder in Focus  Intolerance of opposing ideas is openly extolled; The tragedy of One sentence reads: ”It is those who, being conscious of the need of  Extolling in a sentence 1. Extolling ones own. 2. While extolling their followers and others to have faith and belief, the. 3. The Panowie began extolling the virtues of a brown horse that looked to Colling to be on its last legs.

COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. I was extolling you were extolling he/she/it was extolling we were extolling you were extolling they were extolling: Past perfect I had extolled you had extolled he/she/it had extolled we had extolled you had extolled they had extolled: Future continuous I will be extolling you will be extolling he/she/it will be extolling we will be extolling you will be extolling / ɪkˈstoʊl / -ll- to praise something or someone very much: His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands of copies. She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.

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extol. 18745.

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Extolling in a sentence

2021-04-20 · Extol definition: If you extol something or someone, you praise them enthusiastically. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples they will have been extolling Share on Facebook How to conjugate extol , What is the base from of extolled How do you spell extol in a sentence? conjugation of extolled 20 sample sentences for EXTOL. 15 editor-approved samples. Others were pulled from our literature database. We tried to list the best first.

Extolling in a sentence

Features; Grammar Checker · Sentence  Context sentences for "to extol" in Swedish. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content. Translations in context of "EXTOLLING THE VIRTUES" in english-swedish.
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praise How to use extol in a sentence? Extol Extoll The definition of Extol is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it.

Learn more. they will have been extolling Share on Facebook How to conjugate extoll , What is the base from of extolled How do you spell extoll in a sentence? conjugation of extolled Extolled Sentence Examples | Use Extolled in a sentence 1.
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The teacher was extolling her work to the skies. 2. His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands of copies. 3.

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The blind clairvoyance of the Revolution, breaking royalty in the King and the King with royalty, did so almost without noticing the man in the fierce crushing of the idea, the vast storm of the Assembly-Tribunal, the public wrath interrogating, Capet not knowing what to reply, the alarming, stupefied vacillation by that royal head beneath that sombre breath, the relative innocence of all in that. More example sentences ‘All of them share in their belief in God, turn to Him and extol His praises.’ ‘Mrs Egan, of North Lane, York, was even moved to pen an elegant exposition extolling her family's enthusiasm for waste.’ What is the definition of EXTOLMENT?