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The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) has welcomed a decision by the Gauteng High Court, which declined to give Sakeliga the relief it sought on the lawfulness of the Companies and Intellectual Commission (CIPC) certificates issued to companies which were permitted to render essential services during the first phase of the lockdown. The business organisation, Sakeliga (formerly known as AfriSake), today undertook legal action to prevent Eskom from interrupting electricity supply to paying end-users in an attempt to find a national solution to the problem. With the intended legal action Sakeliga applies to be admitted as a friend of the court in the important case brought forward by Resilient Properties and other Business organisation Sakeliga has launched a court case hoping to alter the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown regulations across all levels. "The case involves the unlawfulness of permits and other government licensing requirements for businesses," Sakeliga CEO Piet le Roux said in a statement. The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) has welcomed the decision by the Gauteng High Court, in which it declined to give Sakeliga the relief it sought on the lawfulness of the Sakeliga approached the court seeking an order declaring that the CIPC had no authority to issue the essential services certificate to companies and close corperations permitted to operate during the lockdown. In the judgement, the court remarked that giving such relief would be “inappropriate”. Some types of court documents and filings are available there at no cost.

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In the matter between:. 28 Jan 2021 The Allahabad High Court expressed pain over routine and "We think that in many cases the police is still routinely proceeding to arrest  11 Dec 2020 Kannada film actor Sanjjanaa Galrani was on Friday granted bail by the Karnataka High Court in a drug case, over three months after her  (a) no court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under Section 138 except upon a complaint, in writing, made by the payee or, as the case may be,  5 ಏಪ್ರಿಲ್ 2021 Jarkiholi CD Case ಅನ್ನು CBI ಗೆ ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸುವಂತೆ CD Case | ಸರ್ಕಾರಕ್ಕೆ ಶಾಕ್ ನೀಡಿದ High Court. 3 Jun 2020 South Africa's courts have dealt a double-blow to the country's On Monday (1 June) the Gauteng High Court ruled in favour of business group Sakeliga after it While this is no longer the case at alert level 3 Minister of cogta (Case No.: 21542/2020) delivered on 2 June 2020 in the Gauteng High. Court; Sakeliga npc v The President of the Republic of South Africa  Sakeliga. Oct 2015 - Feb 2017 1 year 5 months. Pretoria Area, South Africa.

SAKALA, J. ): 23RD OCTOBER, 1985. CASE NO. 1985/HP/1111-1113 Flynote Constitutional Law - Detention - Admission by detainee of Unlawful activities - Whether detention unreasonable. Constitutional Law - Preservation of Public Security - Crime - Nature of for purpose of detention.

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It violates the righ Determine whether your case is eligible for small claims court. Updated By Cara O'Neill, Attorney Most people aren’t comfortable filing a lawsuit in state court—and with good reason. Without a pricey attorney, it’s almost impossible to navi Of all the federal courts, only the Supreme Court gets to decide which cases it will consider. How do those cases reach the Supreme Court?

Waterberg Sakekamer - Business Chamber - Inlägg Facebook

Sakeliga court case

Sakeliga would remain a ‘friend of the court’ in the proceedings to ensure that the progress already made against Eskom in this matter continues to be enforced and confirmed by the SCA, it stated. On 7 March 2019 the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria found in favour of Sakeliga, who was admitted as an amicus curiae to the proceedings initiated by Resilient Properties against Eskom, that the power utility first needs to exhaust all remedies available to it in accordance with the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 13 of 2005, before it interrupts power supply to a defaulting municipality. Sakeliga also welcomes the Court’s upholding of Mr Malema and others’ liability for the crime of incitement, albeit limited to serious offences.

Sakeliga court case

Case Browse has a load of beneficial information. Case Status and Information Supreme Court of Virginia Case Information Online access to the case management system for the Supreme Court of Virginia. Cases may be searched using name or case number. Court of Appeals of Virginia Case Information Online access to the case management system for the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Some browsers may require enabling a pop-up exception in order to view case details. The case records search is currently available for all counties in South Carolina: Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, The business organisation Sakeliga has filed an application in the Mahikeng High Court to interdict the Kgetlengrivier Municipality from utilising a third-party service provider for collecting municipal revenue for rates and levies on the municipality’s behalf into its own bank account. Sakeliga undertook an investigation into the municipality’s administration after being informed by some 2021-04-05 · The Supreme Court has handed Google a win in a decade-old case in software development, holding that the technology giant did not commit copyright infringement against Oracle when it copied For Official Use Only.
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Pretoria – Business organisation Sakeliga has launched a court case hoping to alter the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown regulations across all levels.

The case involves the unlawfulness of permits and other government licensing requirements for businesses. Sakeliga is asking the High Court to set aside a range of licensing requirements implemented under the state of disaster, and to protect businesses, non-profits, and employees against unlawful obstruction and arrest. Sakeliga next week will file its heads of argument with the Constitutional Court in opposing the Minister’s appeal. The matter was set down for 25 May and will then be heard.
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Waterberg Sakekamer - Business Chamber - Inlägg Facebook

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG _____16/10/17 Case number: 38940/14 In the matter between: Paula Anne Twine First Plaintiff Susan Caroline Killerby Second Plaintiff and Sharon Naidoo First Defendant Master of the High Court, Gauteng [14] It was submitted that the trial court had erred in finding that the State had proved its case beyond reasonable doubt and had not applied the required standard of proof; that the trial court had misdirected itself in accepting that the State witness’ evidence was satisfactory despite discrepancies and contradictions and that the trial court had erred in finding that the appellant’s The first labour-related case on Covid-19 may come before the Labour Court as early as next week. According to a statement on the Politicsweb site, Solidarity intends to bring an urgent application on behalf of Dr Megan Sarah Martin. Maryland Judiciary Case Search.

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The court, therefore, declined to make an order in favour of Sakeliga, ruling that “it would be inappropriate to make any finding in respect of the declaratory relief directed at the CIPC issue”. THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA. GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA . Case No: 2295/2017 (In Mpumalanga) In the matter between: SABIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FIRST APPLICANT. AND TOURISM. LYDENBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SAKELIGA NPC AMICUS CURIAE (previously known as AFRISAKE NPC) Neutral citation: Sabie Chamber of Please allow sufficient time for the screening process. Read more COVID-19 information prior to attending court *** The following Notices and Case Lists allow you to search by name and access case details for a specific case.