översättning av break-even point - Engelsk-svenskt lexikon
Svensk kemiindustri: Branschen, företagen och processerna
A company breaks even for a given period when sales revenue and costs incurred during that period are equal. Thus the break-even point is that level of 4 Oct 2019 A business's break-even point is the stage at which revenues equal costs. Once you determine that number, you should take a hard look at all The break-even point is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal, meaning there is no loss or gain for your small business. In other words, you've 11 jan 2012 Op het 'break even point' (BEP) speelt een onderneming quitte. Er is dus geen winst of verlies.
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The origins of break-even point can be found in the economic concepts of “the point of indifference.” Calculating the break-even point of a company has proved to be a simple but quantitative tool for the managers. The break-even point refers to the point where the total costs (fixed costs + variable costs) related to production or a product are just as high as the total turnover. Break-even point: the basics In order to calculate the BeP or break-even point, you must first be familiar with a few cost accounting terms: fixed costs, variable costs, and contribution margin.
Svensk kemiindustri: Branschen, företagen och processerna
If you have a break-even point tool, you can try out changes to variables like the cost involved in the promotions or the rate of depreciation, and calculate how many units you need to sell to reach the break-even point. Breakeven Point (BEP) The break-even point (BEP) is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal. There is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken even", though opportunity costs have been paid and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return.
Synonym till Break-even point - TypKanske
Denna kalkylator är utformad för att beräkna break-even på grundval av fasta Break Even Analysis är ett verktyg som hjälper ett företag att bestämma i vilket skede de Total försäljning = Break-Even Point * Försäljningspris per enhet. Pricing and Breakeven Analysis incorporates break even analysis, break even charts, break even points and price elasticity to determine the impact of pricing []. Translations in context of "EVEN POINT" in english-swedish.
(Content-managed text for the Break-Event Point Calculator)
Calculating your break-even point. There are a few basic formulas for determining a business’s break-even point. One is based on the number of units of product sold and the other is based on points in sales dollars. To calculate a break-even point based on units: Divide fixed costs by the revenue per unit minus the variable cost per unit. The
What is the break-even point?
This break-even analysis video explains the break-even point in words, in graphs, and in formulas, a Break-even point - What is break-even point? In accounting, the break-even point is the point at which total revenues equal total costs or expenses, hence, they are “even”.
A break-even point is simply the point at which your business's revenue equals the costs and expenditures of operating the business.
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