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Jacob Witt - Office Specialist- Registrar's Office - Brigham
Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. (also Companies' Registrar) GOVERNMENT, LAW. a government official whose job is to keep records of all existing and new companies in the UK, and to make sure that they record their accounts and other information correctly. ‘Ottoman registrars recorded villages whether or not they were inhabited, on the basis that since they had once provided revenue, they might yet do so again.’ ‘When either a collection or items to be added to an existing collection come to an institution, a registrar creates a record of the content and then passes the content along to the collection manager.’ Definitions of registrar from WordNet. registrar ( n.) a person employed to keep a record of the owners of stocks and bonds issued by the company; registrar ( n.) the administrator responsible for student records; registrar ( n.) someone responsible for keeping records; Synonyms: record-keeper / recorder. registrar Military medicine An officer of the administrative division of a military hospital who is charged with preparing records and reports from sick and wounded personnel. the person whose duty is to record changes in the people who own the shares of a company.
Of Technology Ranking, Aaden Name Meaning, Pepsi Pineapple Near Me, Old Vic Lungs, Harris County Voter Registrar Office, San Miguel Beer Light, against the structure beneath the hood, meaning the engine, suspen- sion, etc. This is STOCK TRANSFER AGENT AND REGISTRAR. .new is a more secure domain, meaning that HTTPS is required for all .new websites. You can buy Byte av Registrar inkl 1 års förnyelse, 6186kr, 7732,50kr.
Registrar definition is - an official recorder or keeper of records: such as. How to use registrar in a sentence.
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us. Your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. (also Companies' Registrar) GOVERNMENT, LAW. a government official whose job is to keep records of all existing and new companies in the UK, and to make sure that they record their accounts and other information correctly. ‘Ottoman registrars recorded villages whether or not they were inhabited, on the basis that since they had once provided revenue, they might yet do so again.’ ‘When either a collection or items to be added to an existing collection come to an institution, a registrar creates a record of the content and then passes the content along to the collection manager.’ Definitions of registrar from WordNet.
Meaning of patent registrar in English-Swedish dictionary
Posted in Sem categoria. Vissa domäner drivs av återförsäljare via en separat registrar. Om du inte kan logga in hos din angivna registrar eller om registrarfältet är tomt kan din SUPREME COURT OF NIGERIA. Home; About. is a registrar for a number of TLDs, among others, .dk, .se and .de domains.
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Noun: 1. registrant - a person who is formally entered (along with others) in a register (and who obtains certain rights thereby) 6. Going along this path, if a positive obligation were recognized, it could then be argued that the responsibility would not only be that of the Registrar but also that of the State of enforcement, or of the transferring State, especially if the latter was the State of nationality.
However, for a lot of domains, we use our partner Ascio. The registrar must also pay VeriSign a fee, which is factored into the price that the registrar charges the end user. This arrangement works much like a car dealership. A customer who is interested in buying a car visits the showroom and is shown the available cars by a knowledgeable sales associate.
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What does registrar mean? Information and translations of registrar in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … A registrar is like a dealership for domain names, and the registry is like the manufacturer.
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in British hospitals, a resident specialist who acts as assistant to the chief or attending specialist. Miller Registrar. The registrar is the middleman. It is an accredited organization that registers a domain with a registry, on behalf of the registrant. is an accredited registrar with ICANN. is a registrar for a number of TLDs, among others, .dk, .se and .de domains.