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Gemensamma standarder för intermodala lastningar Serus

Projektet Nordic Intermodal Short Sea är ett samverkansprojekt med syfte att utveckla  ILU-Code - Welcome Welcome to the ILU-Code platform The standard EN 13044-1 introduces an owner-code for the identification of European intermodal loading units (e.c. swap-bodies, semi-trailers), the ILU-Code, which is compatible with the worldwide BIC-Code used for containers according to ISO 6346. each intermodal loading unit marked with an ILU-Code is officially and Europe-wide known to be owned or operated by the Code-Holder as listed in UIRR’s Register of owner-keys, with all the related responsibility (legal, commercial, damage, insurance, etc.) of such property or operation. In accordance with the regulations EN 13044 a new unified system, the ILU-Code (Intermodal Loading Unit Code), was introduced for the labeling of semi-trailers and swap bodies. Thanks to the ILU-Code the advantages of the BIC-Code, that was used for many years all over the world for ISO containers, are extended also to semi-trailers and swap In accordance with the regulations EN 13044 a new unified system, the ILU-Code (Intermodal Loading Unit Code), was introduced for the labeling of semi-trailers and swap bodies.

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This European Standard follows the format used in EN ISO 6346, the worldwide accepted standard for marking and coding of marine freight containers. As the above standard can be applied, without alteration, to It ‘s a new era for the codification of intermodal loading units. From 1 July 2011, the standard EN 13044-1 introduces a new and modernized process of issuing of codes for the identification of the loading units (ILU "Intermodal Loading Units" Code) by the UIRR, named as administrator of the ILU code. For issuing code www.ilu-code.eu “The ILU-Code, a standardized identifier for intermodal loading units in Europe, is an important voluntary initiative supporting the competitiveness of Combined Transport. It is a very good example of paperless solution for stakeholders of these transport-chains.” Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport I kombitrafik transporteras kodifierade intermodala lastenheter (ILU) på speciella vagnar på speciellt utprovade och tillåtna sträckor, i överenskomna tåg med ett maximalt profilnummer.

3 Contact For further information, visit www.ilu-code.eu or contact the ILU-Code team by telephone in brussels: +32 (0)2 548 78 94 or by email: administration@ilu-code.eu On 01.07.2011 a new system, concerning the coding and identification of the loading units' owner in combined transport, came into force.

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stronger and stackable. 1000 ILU-Code users: a European intermodal success story For more than 7 years now the ILU-Code has been used to identify intermodal loading units throughout Europe.

Standard - Intermodal Loading Units - Marking - Part 3 - SIS

Ilu intermodal

Intermodal transport can be distinguished by market segment: Intermodal transport is at the heart of the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law, the industry says. On Tuesday 27 October the European Intermodal Summit 2020 takes place. This online event is hosted by the UIRR – the International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport. For swap bodies and semi-trailers, the ILU (Intermodal Loading Units) code as introduced by the European EN 13044 standard shall be used. Modes of transport other than air: For modes of transport In accordance with the regulations EN 13044 a new unified system, the ILU-Code (Intermodal Loading Unit Code), was introduced for the labeling of semi-trailers and swap bodies. Thanks to the ILU-Code the advantages of the BIC-Code, that was used for many years all over the world for ISO containers, are extended also to semi-trailers and swap In accordance with the regulations EN 13044 a new unified system, the ILU-Code (Intermodal Loading Unit Code), was introduced for the labeling of semi-trailers and swap bodies. Thanks to the ILU-Code the advantages of the BIC-Code, that was used for many years all over the world for ISO containers, are extended also to semi-trailers and swap The ILU-Code is required by law Ongoing legislation should mandate the use of the ILU-Code in all forms of unaccompanied intermodal transport.

Ilu intermodal

Nov 25, 2020 The directive will enable all Intermodal Loading Units (ILU) circulating in Europe to be maintained and be subject to the periodic checks  p.17) defined IFT as the movement of freight in one and same ILU(Intermodal intermodal terminals ( Seaport, off dock, ICD-Inland container Depot, dry port,  Pagina offline. Siamo spiacenti, la pagina richiesta è temporaneamente offline per importanti aggiornamenti. Torna su. Hupac Intermodal SA Viale R. Manzoni 6 Since July 2011 the new ILU codes can be registered, beginning with July 2014 all intermodal ISO containers and intermodal swap bodies must have an  Oct 22, 2013 EN13044-1 Identification of intermodal loading units (ILU-Code).
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Rail freight of standardized load carriers, in accordance with ILU; Lifting load carriers to and from rail wagons  Dec 20, 2018 It has been developed with the sole purpose of scanning and recognizing BIC ( ISO 6346 standard) and ILU (EN 13044-1 standard) container  M62154 - ILU codes for intermodal semi-trailers 1:87 scale. Quantity. Add to cart.

Thanks to the trust of the Intermodala lastenheter(ILU), som inte uppfyller dessa grundregler, får inte lastas på kombivagnar i kombitrafik (förutom transporter, som är reglerade genom ett lastningsexempel) För att säkerställa en säkrare lyft måste lastens vikt inne i intermodala enheten (ILU) vara jämn fördelad i både längd- och tvärriktningen, uppgifter för identifiering av ägaren, med en ILU-kod (Intermodal Loading Unit). − växelflak, specialflak/-enheter, rullflak och trailer (nationellt godkända, med egenskaper som helt inte är UIC-kompatibla, bi - / multilateral överenskommelse), på båda sidor försedda med röda kodifieringsskyltar.
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This led to the introduction of ILU-Codes defined by the standard EN 13044 which has the same format as the earlier BIC-Codes. The ILU Intermodal Loading Unit ISU .

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For issuing code www.ilu-code.eu “The ILU-Code, a standardized identifier for intermodal loading units in Europe, is an important voluntary initiative supporting the competitiveness of Combined Transport. It is a very good example of paperless solution for stakeholders of these transport-chains.” Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport I kombitrafik transporteras kodifierade intermodala lastenheter (ILU) på speciella vagnar på speciellt utprovade och tillåtna sträckor, i överenskomna tåg med ett maximalt profilnummer.