Reach Subsea ASA - Aktie detaljinfo
Reach Subsea - Aktiekurshistorik Börsdata
Price target in 14 days: 3.304 NOK. The best long-term & short-term Reach Subsea ASA share price Published: January 13, 2017 Reference is made to announcements on 12 January 2017, concerning a contemplated private placement in Reach Subsea ASA | February 24, 2021 2020-10-02 Reach Subsea ASA Adress: Postboks 1393 Gard NO-5507 Haugesund Besöksadress: Garpeskjærvegen 2 NO-5527 Oslo Börs Bransch/SNI 1: B50 SJÖTRANSPORT - 50200 Reguljär sjötrafik över 2021-03-19 Subsea 7 S.A. Mandatory notification of share trades . Luxembourg – 02 October 2019 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) announces mandatory notification of the following share transactions by primary insiders: 1 Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities/person closely associated a) Name Jean Cahuzac 2021-03-25 13:45 · Oslo Børs AKSO: Aker Solutions to Deliver Subsea Production System for the Eldfisk North Development; 2021-03-25 13:45 · Cision Aker Solutions ASA: Aker Solutions to Deliver Subsea Production System for the Eldfisk North Development; 2021-03-25 07:00 · Oslo Børs Subsea 7 Inc. (Oslo Børs: SUB) announced today that the combination between the parties is expected to be completed on January 7, 2011. In light of this, the following is announced: After completion the new company will be known as Subsea 7 S.A. and the restated Articles of 2021-03-19 Luxembourg – 11 March 2021 - Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) today announced the award of a sizeable(1) contract. The contract will be recorded in the backlog of the Subsea and 2021-04-16 2021-02-23 07:15 · Oslo Børs REACH: Record result, proposed dividend of NOK 0,15 per share; 2021-02-18 10:30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Good start to the year; 2021-02-15 07:30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 2021-01-18 07:45 · Oslo Børs REACH: Future proofing subsea services through remote and autonomous operations Reach Subsea ASA is a company providing certain ROV, engineering and consultancy services to the oil industry, and which aims to become a full subsea services provider Kilde: OBI Reach Subsea ASA er et selskap som leverer visse ROV-, ingeniør- og konsulenttjenester til oljeindustrien, og som har som mål å bli en komplett tjenesteyter innen subsea. Kilde: OBI 16.4.2021, 16:16 · Oslo Børs REACH: Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA; 15.4.2021, 12:40 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 26.3.2021, 08:00 · Oslo Børs REACH: Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020; 23.3.2021, 08:30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Contract awards; 15.3.2021, 07:30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 2.3.2021, 10:49 · Oslo Børs Reach Subsea ASA - Reach Subsea ASAs forretningsidé er å tilby undervannstjenester som leverandør og / eller direkte til sluttkunder, fra vårt hovedkontor i Haugesund. Konsernets kjernevirksomhet er basert på moderne, spesifikke arbeids-ROV-er som drives av høyt kvalifisert offshore-personell, og støttes av ingeniørressurser på land. Oslo Børs offers a full product range including equities, derivatives and fixed income instruments.
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Hem · Fonder · Idag · OBS! Omx vs Fond · Råvaror · Trendläget · Valutaeffekt NO Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA NO0010096845 OSR.DE OSRAM Licht NO Reach Subsea ASA NO0003117202 REAL.SE Real Holding i Den har en værdi på 350 mSEK, og giver selskabet en børsværdi på ca 700 mSEK, hvilket svarer til 130 kr (hovedregning). Derudover er der et to timer langt REACH SUBSEA AKTIESLAG AKASTOR AKER SOLUTIONS ARCHER AUSTEVOLL SEAFOO AVANCE GAS HOLDI ÄNDRING SENAST BETAL- BETALT Reach Subsea is in a rising trend channel in the medium long term. Rising trends indicate that the company experiences positive development and that buy interest among investors is increasing. There is no resistance in the price chart and further rise is indicated. In case of a negative reaction, the stock has support at approximately 1.57 kroner. REACH SUBSEA ASA : Real-time Quotes, intraday chart, variations, volumes, technical indicators and last transactions, share REACH SUBSEA ASA | Oslo Bors: REACH | Oslo Bors Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA 15/04/2021 Operational figures 26/03/2021 Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020 Oslo Børs ; Euronext Growth; Euronext 16.4.2021 16.16 · Oslo Børs REACH: Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA; 15.4.2021 12.40 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 26.3.2021 08.00 · Oslo Børs REACH: Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020 Oslo Børs offers a full product range including equities, derivatives and fixed income instruments.
16.4.2021 16.16 · Oslo Børs REACH: Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA; 15.4.2021 12.40 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 26.3.2021 08.00 · Oslo Børs REACH: Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020; 23.3.2021 08.30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Contract awards; 15.3.2021 07.30 · Oslo Børs REACH: Operational figures; 2.3.2021 10.49 · Oslo Børs Historie.
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More Reach Subsea Asa News · Reach Subsea Asa Investors. Apr 11, 2018 Subsea 7 S.A. (Oslo Børs: SUBC, ADR: SUBCY) yesterday announced Reach Subsea ASA wins BP call-off for Trinidad and Tobago services 3 dager siden Rekordmange nykommere på Oslo Børs - Dagens Perspektiv — Oslo Standard Drilling, Reach Subsea og Polarcus) benyttet seg av den nye 00 · Oslo Børs QFUEL: Quantafuel ASA | Operation update Quantafuel AS (A private Qurate Retail Inc; Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc; Reach Subsea ASA; CONTRACT AWARDS Reach Subsea ASA (“Reach”) has alone, and together with its partner MMT, been awarded several contracts and call-offs under frame 26.
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3,13 REACH: Flaggemelding REACH SUBSEA ASA. REACH SUBSEA. Oslo Børs NO0003117202 - Stock. NOK 3.13. 22/04/2021 - 09: 00 CET. Since Open. +0.07 (+2.29%). Since Previous Close. +0.08 (+2.62%).
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Exercise of options. 15.12.2020 klo 10.33 · Oslo Børs. REACH: Operational figures. Markedet reagerte på nyhetene med å sende kursen rett opp, over 20 prosent, til 3 kroner i løpet av de første par minuttene med handel på Oslo Børs. I 14.30-tiden mandag hadde aksjen falt tilbake til 2,86 kroner, noe som tilsvarer en oppgang på 14,40 prosent.
Oslo Børs - Aksjeprat ; Nyheter ; Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen Reach Subsea opp 71 prosent - Finansavisen. By Nyhet, april 24, 2020 in Nyheter. Broking firms that are members of Oslo Børs or of Euronext Growth (Oslo) Market, and that are authorised to provide corporate finance services, are eligible for approval as Euronext Growth (Oslo) Advisors. Members of Euronext Growth (Oslo) Market become approved by signing a short additional agreement to their existing membership agreement.
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Den här sidan ger en fördjupad profil av Reach Subsea, inklusive en allmän översikt av företagets affärsverksamhet och Reach Subsea (REACH). Oslo Huvudmarknad, Oslo Børs Web,