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The procedure is recommended for women who cannot have breast implants because they have previously been treated with radiation or women who have had a recurrence of localized breast cancer. Patients who are extremely thin, or who have scarring from other abdominal surgery may not be eligible for this procedure. Benefits of the DIEP flap procedure DIEP is an acronym for Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery Perforator, the system of lower abdominal wall blood vessels that are used to perfuse the tissue for the newly reconstructed breast. This muscle-sparing procedure, which has gained increased popularity among breast cancer patients who are undergoing complete breast removal, effectively recreates one or both breasts using a woman’s own The newest procedure involved with the skin-sparing mastectomy, is nipple sparing.
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In the DIEP procedure, a flap of tissue containing fat and skin is removed from the lower abdomen and used to form a new breast. Fat Transfer. Also known as fat grafting or fat injection. A fat grafting procedure transfers fat from areas in which you have excess fat, such as the outer thighs, and injects it into areas that may be lacking in volume, such as your face, hands, breasts or buttocks. Procedure In most cases, the DIEP surgery can be done on the same day as the mastectomy (immediate reconstruction). If you’ve already had a mastectomy, the DIEP can be at a later date (delayed reconstruction). During the procedure, a flap—a piece of tissue containing skin, What to Expect After DIEP SurgeryPhysical & Occupational Therapy Patient Education Video, University of Washington Medical Center 2012-04-11 DIEP Flap Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction.
Villkor: Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator Flap
Fallserie Jämför avlopp med TissuGlu® i en donatorplats DIEP Flap Breast Reconstruction Procedure. Post-Market, Investigator Initiated, Retrospective, Audited
The DIEP flap is a safe and reliable option in breast reconstructions. the ease of the procedure and the success rate and have shortened the operative time. Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging in DIEP Breast Reconstruction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
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Dr. Rao performs microsurgical DIEP and SIEA flap procedures for breast reconstruction without implants and minimal interference with abdominal muscles . av S Klasson · 2016 — Key wordsPlastic surgery,breast reconstruction, DIEP flap. Classification system and/or index terms (if any).
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The surgeons at PRMA specialize in this procedure, performing over 700 a year with an over 99% success rate. Bilateral Delayed DIEP Flap - Before and After Images. Before Surgery/After Surgery. Before Surgery/After Surgery. Before Surgery/After Surgery. Bilateral Immediate DIEP Flap - Before and After Images There are three stages to DIEP reconstruction: Stage 1 - The main and most major part of the procedure.