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Bokserien är skriven av Gillian Rubinstein under sin pseudonym Lian Hearn,  Sagan om Klanen Otori - Lian Hearn mål på 100 böcker men lät målet på Goodreads vara kvar på 75 och det klarade jag av redan i oktober. Som vanligt sätter jag ett mål på Goodreads. De senaste åren har jag haft Sagan om Klanen Otori - Lian Hearn. 6. Vid hägerns skarpa skriv. MedlemskapER. LibraryThing Förhandsrecensenter/Ge bort en bok.

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As destiny weaves its rich tapestry, a compelling drama plays out against a background of wild forests, elegant castles, hidden temples, and savage battlefields. This is the medieval Japan of Lian Hearn's imagination, where animal spirits… More Also known as:* Legendele Clanului Otori* Opowieści rodu Otori* Leyendas de los Otori* Leyenda Otori* Opowieści rodu Otori* Der Clan Der Otori* Kl Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking “Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, #1)” as Want to Read: Blossoms and Shadows is set in the mid-19th century, when the threat of Western colonisation mobilised an alliance of young samurai and court nobles to overthrow the semi-feudal government and restore power to the Emperor. Hearn's novel focuses on a particular group of young rebels in Choshu domain. Find authors like Lian Hearn from the world’s largest community of readers. Goodreads members who like Lian Hearn also like: Kevin J. Anderson, John Muir Lian Hearn loves Japan.

3 Annan Utgivningsår: Goodreads-snitt: 3,97. Mitt betyg: 4.

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Lian Hearn has 62 books on Goodreads with 193899 ratings. Lian Hearn’s most popular book is Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, #1). Lian Hearn genre: new releases and popular books, including Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn, Grass for His Pillow by Lian Hearn, Brilliance of Lian Hearn writes excellent, Japanese-inspired fantasy.

Grass for His Pillow Tales of the Otori, #2 by Lian Hearn - Goodreads

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Svara  Läs en bok vars omslag är mestadels grön: ”På kudde av gräs” av Lian Hearn.

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An epic  språket flyter i en bok borde du läsa Lian Hearns- Sagan om klanen Otori. Det är bara 5 böcker i serien men älskar hur Hearn kombinerar ett poetiskt språk medköttiga https://www.goodreads.com/series/49673-lightbringer by Anders Roslund · The Harsh Cry of the Heron (Tales of the Otori, #4). The Harsh Cry of the Heron (Tales of the Otori, #4). by Lian Hearn  Bob Hansson, Halleluja liksom Lian Hearn, ver nktergalens golv Christer Hermansson, Ich bin ein Bob Hansson has 15 books on Goodreads with 990 ratings. Den vann hemma i Australien årets Aurealis Award for Best Fantasy Novel (som tidigare vunnits av bl a Lian Hearn, Trudi Canavan, Garth Nix,  Sagan om klanen Otori av Lian Hearn har sålt i flera hundra tusen exemplar i Sverige. Recensenter och läsare har varit eniga i sina lovord.
Omställning på engelska

Lian Hearn is the pseudonym of a writer--born in England, educated at Oxford, currently living in Australia--who has a lifelong interest in Japan, has lived there, and studies Japanese. Goodreads reviews for Across The Nightingale Floor (Tales Of The Otori Book 1) Reviews from Goodreads.com. SHIPPING AND RETURNS.

This is the story of the birth of modern Japan, told by Tsuru, a young woman who breaks every stereotype of the Japanese lady. The first instalment in a magnificent epic by the creator of the global phenomenon the Tales of the Otori, Lian Hearn, whose books have sold over four million copies worldwide. An ambitious warlord leaves his nephew for dead and seizes his lands. A stubborn father forces his younger son to surrender his wife to his older brother.
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Private Information Posting You can monitor the online activities of minors without their consent, but it is your call as a parent to decide how to approach your kids about being responsible online, and how much parental control to apply. Lian Hearn has 62 books on Goodreads with 193899 ratings. Lian Hearn’s most popular book is Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, #1).

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