Släktträdspersoner - Benjaminsson Web Site - MyHeritage
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Malcolm Hamilton , som var stamfader för den friherrliga ätten Hamilton af Hageby . Erik Gustaf Kinell, f 1847 *4, f.d. öfverstelöjtnant i armén o. major i G. 1:o 1857 m. friherrinnan Josephina Johanna Catharina Hamilton af Hageby, f 1861; 2:o Hallart, Ludvig Nikolaus von 241, 261, 282–283, 293 Hamilton af Hageby, Hugo IV av 34 homosexualitet 65 Horn af Marienborg, Gustaf 262 Horn af Rantzien, Fleming af Lais 17. Fleming af Libelitz + 147. Diurklord 139.
Hans son, majoren vid Kalmar regemente sedermera generalmajoren Malcolm Hamilton (1635–1699), naturaliserades såsom adelsman 1664 12/7 i Stockholm av konung Karl XI:s förmyndarregering. Hamilton, grevlig nr 86. Utgrenad 1751 ur den yngre grenen av Hamilton av Hageby. Grevebrevet är i privat ägo. Gustaf David Hamilton af Hageby (1699-1788).
During the second world war, Ferne House functioned as an evacuation centre for those needing one.
Count Wathier Hamilton. Baron Carl-Hugo Hamilton af Hageby.
Av Wasablod - Google böcker, resultat
Managed by: Dag Henrik Gösta Lundqvist: Last Updated: November 15, 2014 Gustav David Hamilton was born on month day 1699, at birth place, to Hugo Hamilton af Hageby and Anna Margareta Henriksdotter Hamilton af Hageby. Hugo was born on May 20 1655, in … Namn: Hamilton (af Hageby), Gustaf David. 12.
During the second world war, Ferne House functioned as an evacuation centre for those needing one. Lizzy Lind af Hageby died at home in her beloved London on 26 December 1963. Lind af Hageby co-founded the Animal Defence and Anti-Vivisection Society (ADAVS) in 1906 with the Duchess of Hamilton, with a shop and office at 170 Piccadilly, London. As part of the society's work, Lind af Hageby drafted a petition in or around 1906, An Anti-Vivisection Declaration , which was distributed around the world, translated into several languages, and signed by prominent anti
Gustaf Banér (1664) Carl Larsson Sparre (1664-1677) Christopher Gyllenstierna (1677) Jacob Fleming (1677-1679) Göran Sperling (1679-1683) Lennart Ribbing (1683-1687) Otto Vellingk (1687-1693) Carl Gustaf Frölich (1693-1698) Malcolm Hamilton af Hageby (1698-1699) Axel von Schaar (1699-1702) Carl Carlsson Hård af Segerstad (1702-1704
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Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Robert Ludvig Hamilton af Hageby (1856 - 1857) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days How do we create a person’s profile?
Hamilton af Hageby nr 99 Tab 12
Generalmajoren sedermera fältmarskalken friherre Gustaf David Hamilton af Hageby (1699–1788), upphöjdes i grevlig värdighet 1751 21/11 på Stockholms slott
Carl Fredrik Hamilton af Hageby: (1705 - 1753), From: Sweden | Biography, Facts, Career, Wiki, Life.
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Gustaf David Hamilton (1699‑1788) av Brander.jpg 313 × 378; 49 KB 2014-04-01 I samarbete med Nina Douglas-Hamilton drev Lizzy Lind af Hageby den kombinerade djurfristaden och barnkrubban Ferne House i Shaftesbury nära Dorset i England. Under andra världskriget tjänade Ferne House som evakueringsort för behövande. Lizzy Lind af Hageby avled i … In cooperation with Nina Douglas-Hamilton, Lizzy Lind af Hageby ran the combined animal sanctuary and crèche Ferne House at Shaftesbury in the English county of Dorset.
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1931-39, von Heidenstam, Carl Gerhard, envoyé. av T Lindahl · 2013 — 1743 – Gustaf David Hamilton af Hageby.