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katedralen - OMNIA
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! It's free, and makes sure you never miss any of our great travel videos. Thanks, your support means the world to us!A complete tou Interior of a cathedral hallway with a small step. The hall is lined with decorative columns and leads to an arched doorway. This information is published from the Museum's collection database. Updates and additions stemming from research and imaging activities are ongoing, with new content added each week. Nidaros Cathedral King Olav Haraldsson was buried by Nidelven, the river Nid, after he was killed in the battle of Stiklestad in 1030.
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They have one aim: to preserve Norway's most important national treasure. The heart of Norway. The cathedral has played a vital role in the Norwegian history books. Nidarosdomen / Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway. 13,442 likes. Nidarosdomen, eller Nidaros domkirke,er Olav den helliges gravkirke, pilegrimsmål, signingskirke Nidaros Cathedral is the world’s northernmost medieval cathedral and Norway’s national sanctuary. It is the grave church of St. Olav, the patron Saint of Norway and has now become one of Europe’s major historical pilgrim destinations.
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photo Elroy You will receive a beautiful book about the cathedral as a reminder of your visit. Nidarosdomen, Nidaros Cathedral, interiør, interior Nidaros Cathedral, dates back to the 11th century. Nidaros-interior The Nidaros Cathedral or “Nidarosdomen” in Norwegian is an imposing medieval Nidaros Cathedral is the Norway's national sanctuary that was built on the grave and its majestic interior makes it a very spectacular cathedral, which involve a Nidaros Cathedral in the city of Trondheim, Norway, was built over the burial site of Saint Olav, the king of Norway in Bet the interior is phenomenally beautiful. Feb 2, 2017 Download this free picture about Nidaros Cathedral Trondheim Norway from Pixabay's vast library of public domain images and videos.
Media in category "Historical images of the Nidaros Cathedral"
0 references . May 1, 2016 Trondheim, Norway - July 7, 2010: interior of the Nidaros Cathedral. In the foreground an altar with crucifix. 3 credits The interior boasts a fine modern crucifix by the great Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland.
Nidarosdomen, eller Nidaros domkirke,er Olav den helliges gravkirke, pilegrimsmål, signingskirke
Nidaros Cathedral is the world’s northernmost medieval cathedral and Norway’s national sanctuary. It is the grave church of St. Olav, the patron Saint of Norway and has now become one of Europe’s major historical pilgrim destinations. Nidaros Cathedral is also where coronations and royal blessings take place. Whilst the exterior of the cathedral is imposing, especially the west side, the interior is dark and lacks the colour of many European cathedrals eg Bayeux. The cost of entry is high (kr 120 £10)And there is very limited information in the church apart from electronic …
Nidaros Cathedral was built beginning in 1070 to memorialize the burial place of Olaf II of Norway, the king who was killed in 1030 in the Battle of Stiklestad. He was canonized as Saint Olaf a year later by the bishop of Nidaros (which was later confirmed by the pope).
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The Myrvatn/Fløyrlivatn Group: Early Mesolithic pioneers in the interior of southwest Norway”.
Aici își are reședința Arhiepiscopia evanghelică de Nidaros . Aceasta este cea mai veche catedrală din Norvegia și cea mai nordică catedrală medievală din lume.
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In the foreground an altar with crucifix. 3 credits The interior boasts a fine modern crucifix by the great Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland. From the cathedral walk to the Archbishop's Palace.