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Redistribution of cardiac output: When isovolemic hemodilution occurs in chronic anemia, blood flow is redistributed to the tissues with higher extraction ratios (brain and heart, for example). This blood is redistributed to the coronary circulation in a healthy heart and coronary blood flow can increase up to 600% of baseline. Hemodilution definition is - decreased concentration of cells and solids in the blood resulting from gain of fluid. How to use hemodilution in a sentence.

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Hemodilution anesthesia: a valuable aid to major cancer surgery in children. Am J Surg 1983; 146:79. Milam JD, Austin SF, Nihill MR, et al. Use of sufficient hemodilution to prevent coagulopathies following surgical correction of cyanotic heart disease. Intraoperative anemia increases the risk for inadequate cerebral oxygen delivery.

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Acidosis / Edward Burdett, Andre Vercueil -- Tolerance of Anemia. Richard P Dutton -- Acute Normovolemic Hemodilution / Javad Bidgoli, Philippe Van der  High burden of iron deficiency and different types of anemia in inflammatory preoperative acute normovolemic hemodilution2000Ingår i: Anesthesiology, ISSN  skall alltså inte tolkas som en begynnande anemi, även om det. 5492.

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Hemodilution anemia

Moreover, hypoalbuminemia, potentially resulting from hemodilution and liver injury in infected mice, impaired the elimination of toxic circulating molecules like bilirubin.

Hemodilution anemia

Use of sufficient hemodilution to prevent coagulopathies following surgical correction of cyanotic heart disease. Anemia in pregnancy is very common and is present in almost 8o% of pregnant women.
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1975-06-01 · An understanding of the physiology involved in hemodilution aids the physician to understand the adaptive response to blood loss. As the hematocrit and viscosity decrease, the flow through the microcirculation increases within certain limits if the cardiac function is adequate.

Hemodilution. Priming fluid and hemodilution. Reduction of Oxygen-Carrying Capacity Weakens the  Järn används mest för att förebygga och behandla anemi orsakad av låga järnnivåer.
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3 reported that in approximately half the cases anemia can be explained as a result of hemodilution (increased plasma volume [PV]) rather than by a reduction in red cell mass (RCM), especially in chronic heart and liver diseases. These results, obtained by using total hemoglobin mass measurement with carbon monoxide rebreathing method and PV indirect calculation, suggest that treatment of anemias could be overprescribed for hemodiluted patients. Abstract Background— Anemia frequently occurs in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients and is associated with a poor prognosis. A low hematocrit may result from an increased plasma volume (hemodilution) or from reduced red blood cell volume (true anemia).

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During acute surgical blood loss, the adrenergic nervous system is stimulated, which leads to vasoconstriction and tachycardia.