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Aetius Flavius: Fakta från livet av den romerska imperiens

Flavius Aëtius (Szilisztra, kb. 396 – Ravenna, 454. szeptember 21.) római hadvezér, államférfi. Сейчас войны стали не те, что прежде.

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Playing as WRE I've got past his historical appearance and wonder if its by chance or a set event,I know he must be in the game somewhere. Post edited by swarmi on February 2015. I make Territory Conquest videos! I try to make one at least once a day! Their all fine with my iPod, hope you enjoy!

Flavius Aetius was a statesman and general who lived and fought during the mid 5 th century CE, when the Roman Empire in the west finally hit bottom after its long death-spiral. He was politically powerful and militarily successful, and has often been … It should be "Flavius" (A as in "at", V is pronounced as a "w", I as "ee" like "bee", and u as in "oo" like "goose") "Aetius" ("Ae as long I like the word "I", I and U the same as in "Flavius", and the T is pronounced, not melded into -"shush"). Flavius Aetius (391 – 454) was the last great general and warrior of the Western Roman Empire.

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Flavius aetius

Flavius Aetius ( Aëtius ; latin : [ˈflaːwɪ.ʊs aˈetɪ.ʊs] ; c. 391 - 454) var en romersk general under det västra romerska imperiets slutperiod .Han var en skicklig militär befälhavare och den mest inflytelserika mannen i det västra romerska riket i två decennier (433–454). Flavius Aetius. Aëtius is also the name of several other persons. Western Roman Empire. Aëtius (Latin: Flavius Aëtius, 396–454), dux et patricius, was a Roman general of the closing period of the Western Roman Empire. He was an able military commander and the most influential man in the Western Roman Empire for two decades (433-454).

Flavius aetius

391 yn Durostorum, † 21 septimber 454 yn Rome) wie magister militum (heechste befelhawwer) fan it leger yn it West-Romeinske Ryk ûnder keizer Falentinianus III. Hy is benammen bekend wurden troch syn oerwinning op de Hunnen yn de slach op Katalaunyske fjilden .
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He was born in Rome, probably in 440, and was baptized before his first birthday. Scholars identify him as the unnamed subject of a poem of Flavius Merobaudes.

Flavius Gaudentius (or simply Gaudentius) (died 432) was the father of the Roman magister militum Flavius Aetius.

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168- The Rise of Aetius - The History of Rome Lyssna här

Steven Berkoff Aetius, of Amida & Janus Cornarius et al. Aetii Medici graeci contractae ex veteribus The Genuine Works of Flavius Josephus (I-VI) // Containing Five Books. Flavius Aetius, en romersk general som representerar både det bästa och det sämsta av Rom under rikets sista år, drivs av ett enda mål: Rom ska fortsätta styra  stod Roms huvudsakliga fältarmé i öster, under general Flavius Ardabur Aspar.

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