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Prices vary from company to company. Ask for a fixed price when travelling to or from the airport, but should be around 400-500SEK. Taxi Göteborg tel +46 (0)31-65 00 00 Taxi Kurir tel +46 (0)31-27 27 27 Mini Taxi tel +46 (0)31-14 01 40 The nearest car rental operator locations outside Gothenburg Airport can be found at: Gotenburg - Molnlycke (Fibervagen 3, Molnlycke, 43533) 11.00 KM away. Gothenburg - South (Volkswagen Grafiska Vagen 4, Gothenburg, 41264) 17.83 KM away. Goteborg Gamlestaden (Malmsjogatan 4, Goteborg, 41505) 18.11 KM away.
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Avvikande öppettider för Mini Taxi kan förekomma under t ex jul, nyår, midsommar, valborg, pingst, påsk etc. Kontakta Mini Taxi för mer information. Beskrivning. Minitaxi är ett av Göteborgs mest populära taxibolag.
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Med cirka 50 bilar är de ett av de större taxiföretagen i Göteborg. Klubb Mini-Taxi låter såhär: Bakom ratten denna vecka: Pass 1 Lilltobbe i växeln Pass 2 Chrille Jensen – Bil xx Pass 3 Totte – som hotat spela minst två överjordiska Brian Joneston massacre dängor Pass 4 Ola – som behövde två vinylspelar för att kunna köra vampyrtema Pusterviksbaren Pingisklubben & Klubb Mini-taxi
I checked with price list of Taxi Göteborg (Largest taxi company in Gothenburg) You are using correct fares for start price and km-price, but are not accounting for hourly price. If the duration of the trip is 15 minutes (sounds reasonable) then you should add price for travel time, 15/60*523 = kr 131, which gives overall price kr 400 which would be reasonable according to my experience. Taxi meter receipt.
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Gothenburg Taxi fares starts at the base charge of SEK kr 45 and SEK kr 14.5 for every subsequent Km while the traffic wait time is SEK kr 560.00 per hour or SEK kr 9.33 for every 60 seconds. Luggage that can fit into Taxi storage is not charged in Gothenburg taxi. Blacklane provides an alternative to the taxi line at Gothenburg Landvetter, and our airport shuttles into Gothenburg city include many perks for the traveler, such as a meet-and-greet from your chauffeur with a personalized sign, and a flight-tracking system, which allows you to enter your flight number alongside your booking, thus providing your chauffeur with the ability to adapt their Answer 1 of 7: I will be visiting Gothenburg next week. Can anyone advise what the approximate cost will be of a taxi from Landvetter Airport to Odinsgaten (near Central Station) and also the duration time of the journey?