Roland Aira - 99musik


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Roland Voice Transformer VT-4 2014-02-14 The Roland Aira VT-3 is a voice transformer that offers nice vocal effects and all the flexibility needed when working in the studio or live. The VT-3 provides you the right vocal styling, irrespective of the type of sound. Moreover, the hands-on controls make tweaking sound on the go quite easy. The VT-4 is an effect processor for the instrument inside us all—the human voice.

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On top of that, the VT-3 looks great and works seamlessly with other products in the AIRA series. The smallest but arguably most innovative of Roland's new AIRA range is the VT-3 Voice Transformer, a highly portable but well constructed box for changing live vocal input. Look and feel Around the back you'll find a combo XLR / jack mic input with phantom power, stereo jack outs which can be split into separate wet and dry mono channels and a pedal input to trigger the effect remotely. With roots in the very origins of electronic music, AIRA is the new series of products designed to meet the evolving needs of today's electronic musicians.

In this episode of Bad Gear, the show about the world's most hated audio tools, we are going to talk about the Roland Aira VT-3 Voice Transformer. Is this ha Roland Aira-serien inklusive System-1 Plug-Out Synthesizer, VT-3 Voice Transformer, TR-8 Rhythm Performer och TB-3 Tpuch Bassline. I lager och finns för snabb leverans.

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You can know more about VT 3 by looking at its specifications and features. Roland VT 3 Voice Transformer features and specifications: Durable construction offers portability; Lightweight The Roland VT-3 Voice Transformer takes away the challenge of reproducing vocal effects easily when playing live. Allowing electronic musicians to introduce heavily processed vocals, the AIRA Series VT-3 lets you smoothly transform your voice with a no-hassle approach.

VT-3 Voice Transformer - Roland

Roland aira series vt-3 voice transformer

Moreover, the hands-on controls make tweaking sound on the go quite easy. Roland VT-3 AIRA voice transformer - Næsten ny - Roland VT-3 stemme Transformer tager vaek udfordringen at gengive vokale effekter nemt, nar man spiller live.

Roland aira series vt-3 voice transformer

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#3. Grymt intressant!, hoppas på en riktigt skev VA-motor med många som dels de gamla Roland-instrumenten, dels Korgs Electribe-serie och även Har alltid velat ha en sådan där vt-1 så den här kan nog absolut fylla den platsen.

Robot voices, synths, synth basses, hand tuned and lo-fi vocals - Shop the Roland AIRA VT-3 Vocal Transformer 👉 Roland's AIRA VT-3 Voice Transformer offers a wide range of these sorts of processed sounds with intuitive controls and onboard USB interface.
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Schau dir den VT-3 Voice Transformer von ROLAND hier bei uns an! Viel Spaß! Voice Transfor 2 dagar sedan · 500 Series; Boxed Software; Roland. Effects and Pedals #17 in Vocal.

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Lifestyle World

We offer fast free shipping and a great customer experience. Roland Aira Series including the System-1 Plug-out Synthesizer, VT-3 Voice Transformer, TR-8 Rhythm Performer and TB-3 Tpuch Bassline. In stock and available for rapid delivery.