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Glosbe. Log ind . engelsk dansk engelsk dansk lector lecture lecturer lecturing Lecythidaceae LED led foot LED lamp Led Zeppelin Leda lederhosen ledge ledger ledger account The word "offended" (better, made to stumble--i.e., led to fall by a temptation which the man has not resisted) suggests the thought of some grievous sin, as distinct from weakness; and the dominant sense of the word, as in Matthew 5:29-30; Matthew 18:8-9; Mark 9:42-43; Mark 9:45; Mark 9:47; 1Corinthians 8:13, is that of the sins to which men are led by the temptations of the senses. Översättnings-API; Om MyMemory; Logga in Service lighting: LED lights in service compartments Ex. of other equipment: Working lights (LED), variations of extra working lights (LED), driving lights on rear bunk and separate mount by tow bar (LED).

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i Stockbolm krifter : Fransysk öfvers . af trenne politiska skrifter , skrifven på Engelska af C. Gyllenborg ( jfr Stiernmans Centur . Anon . Den sednare skråmdes dock genom ryktet om engelska fartyg , som skulle komma Han öfvergaf sin plats och seglade nedát Dannemark , hvarunder han led  Handla tryggt och säkert hos Webhallen. Hemelektronik, gadgets, spel och mer.

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Endast detta kommer att leda till framsteg!Only that will lead to progress! Vi kommer att fortsätta att leda arbetet.We will keep on being in the lead. Vi har sett vad det kan leda till.We have seen what this can lead to. blyett. to lead [ led|led] {verbum} This could bring increased problems and lead to cash flow problems for companies.

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My strength lies solely in … 10 LED (av engelska light emitting diode) se lysdiod Ur Ordboken Ordboken är Bonniers svenska ordbok tionde upplagan copyright (C) 2010 Peter A. Sjögren och Iréne Györki. led - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free. Your LED device is low-cost, highly effective, but it is corporate property. Er lysdiod är billig och effektiv.
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Svenska Engelska Danska. OM JCM · Om AKKA · Produkter · Referenser · Video · Nedladdningar Joystick med Led indikator  LEDsystem Scandinavia – the leading supplier of LED illumination. LEDsystem Scandinavia has been working with LED lighting since 2007. LEDsystem  DynaScan 55" LCD, 1920x1080, LED, 3000:1, 9 ms, RS-232, RJ45, 2x HDMI, 2x USB, 1353.8x62.7x824.3 mm, black är manual pdf (Engelska)User manual. 1 When assembling the stand, lay the front screen protective package included in the product box on a table or flat surface and then place the TV screen. Automatisk sortering av LED lampor (ALLRASP) En mer fullständig beskrivning finns att hitta på den engelska sidan. (Länken "English  Det statliga ledsystemet består av cirka 550 mil markerade leder, varav 225 mil i Norrbotten och 194 mil i Jämtland.