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Amazing. Usually the best lovers and best friends! Pronunciation of Vasiliki Thanou: learn how to pronounce Vasiliki Thanou in Greek with the correct pronunciation by native linguists. Read about Vasiliki Thanou Additional information: Vasiliki is a Greek name meaning "royal". The name Vasiliki is one of the most aristocratic, elegant and feminine names available. Name Vasiliki (Βασιλική) is the female respective name of the male name Vassilios, Vasilios, Vasilis; in the Greek language Vasiliki refers to the “royal one”.

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Listen to the audio pronunciation of Kyra Vassiliki on pronouncekiwi Pronunciation . Rhymes: -i; Etymology 1 . From Byzantine Greek βασιλική στοά (basilikḗ stoá, “ royal building ”) Noun . βασιλική • (vasilikí) f (plural βασιλικές) (architecture) basilica; Declension Pronunciation of Vasiliki Thanou: learn how to pronounce Vasiliki Thanou in Greek with the correct pronunciation by native linguists. Read about Vasiliki Thanou Name meaning for Vasiliki with description, pronunciation for Vasiliki and origin of the given name.


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The feminine form of the name Vasilios (in English "Basil"), Vasiliki means "queen." Pronunciation: vah-see-lee-KEE. Famous real-life people named Vasiliki A beautiful Greek girl.

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Vasiliki pronunciation

Which a word or name is spoken and you can also share with others, so that people can say vasiliki correctly. Learn the definition of 'Vasiliki'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar.

Vasiliki pronunciation

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Or Aoife  PronunciationEdit · IPA: /vasiliˈci/; Hyphenation: Βα‧σι‧λι‧κή; Rhymes: -i. Proper nounEdit.

βασιλική • (vasilikí) f (plural βασιλικές) (architecture) basilica; Declension Pronunciation of Vasiliki Thanou: learn how to pronounce Vasiliki Thanou in Greek with the correct pronunciation by native linguists. Read about Vasiliki Thanou Name meaning for Vasiliki with description, pronunciation for Vasiliki and origin of the given name. Busque trabalhos relacionados a Vasiliki name pronunciation ou contrate no maior mercado de freelancers do mundo com mais de 19 de trabalhos. Cadastre-se e oferte em trabalhos gratuitamente.
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Uttal av Vasiliki: Hur man uttalar Vasiliki på tyska - Forvo

Example: Alexander Alex-an-der. Voice Pronunciation: Click and hear the audio pronunciation multiple times and learn how to pronounce the name Vasiliki. If you feel the pronunciation should be better then record pronunciation in your own voice.

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Rekisteröityminen ja tarjoaminen on ilmaista. 2019-10-05 Sometimes it is also written as Vassiliki (double s) as the correct pronunciation of the name is vah-silly-key, meaning the second syllabus of the word must sound as "s" and not "z". [noted -ed] ― Vasiliki.v 1/5/2017. 3. Vasiliki is the name of Haydée's mother in The Count of Monte Cristo. Vasiliki Kanellou, Cardiff University, Centre for Language and Communication Research, Post-Doc.