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Christian Kroll (en 2019), le fondateur d'Ecosia. Page d'accueil d'Ecosia en 2010. L'entreprise Ecosia GmbH a été créée en 2009 par Christian Kroll à la suite d'un voyage au Brésil où il a constaté les ravages causés par la déforestation. Ein riesiger Markt und ein gewaltiger Bedarf, der doch auch der Umwelt zugutekommen könnte, so die Idee von Christian Kroll. 2009 gründete der Betriebswirtschaftler daher Ecosia – eine Suchmaschine, die mit den Klicks ihrer Nutzer Bäume pflanzt.

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Kroll, the founder and CEO of internet search engine Ecosia, doesn't mince his words. Ecosia, the search engine that plants trees. Founders Christian Kroll. Headquarters 12047 Berlin, Germany. Social network. Ecosia.

Cinq questions à Christian Kroll Posted at 12:40h in video by Michael Francken Among the associations present at the last General Assembly was Ecosia , a leading partner of Hommes et Terre. 2021-02-20 Christian Kroll. Founder of Ecosia.

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The company makes money but doesn't maximise profit to the detriment of the environment, the climate or  View the profiles of professionals named "Christian Kroll" on LinkedIn. There are 40+ professionals Christian Kroll. CEO of Ecosia – We're hiring!

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Team. View in org chart. Direct reports. Lasse Voss.

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Christian Kroll runs the world’s largest environmentally aware search engine[1]The TimesEcosia use the profit make from users searches to plant trees where they are needed most.[2]Ecosia.orgThe tree-planting organisation, Ecosia, is headquartered in Berlin, Germany is the world’s largest non-profit Christian Kroll (Ecosia Founder) Wiki, Age, Net worth, Wife, Family, Biography & More Wiki/Biography. Ecosia Founder is a German man who took birth in Berlin. His date of birth is 5 December 1983. The Physical Appearance. Weight 80 kg.

Personal Life. About Christian.
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How can you prevent Ecosia itself from harming the environment? Searches at Ecosia are 100 percent powered by renewable energy.

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Join to edit. Team. View in org chart. Direct reports. Lasse Voss. CTO. Philip Baumann. Head of Product  18 Nov 2019 Portrait of Christian Kroll of Ecosia Ecosia is the rarest of things—a search engine with a conscience: It refuses to steal data, evade taxes,  Key People/Management at Ecosia · Alexis Bainger · Christian Kroll · Fatima Gonzalez-Torres · Kristin Schreiber · Philip Baumann · Ina Arnaoudova.