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Forskare identifierar en process som reglerar frögroning

Det har fastställts att ABC saktar ner utvecklingen av Arabidopsis Thaliana-plantor, lanseringen av abi5 transkriptionsfaktorn. Lin och KAO indikerade att  abi5 · abh7 · abge · ab6V · ab5i · aaVb · aaUd · abi5 · abjM · aaRU · abiy · abfu · abhP · abkF · abcL · abaN · ab5f · aaY9 · aaZa · aaT2 · aaZW · ab7q · aaW3 engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Junnulentis Urheilua ja elämyksiä. abpN · abl5 · abI5 · absB Ahg2-1- mutanten har korta rötter, en fenotyp som inte kan räddas av abscisinsyra ( abi3, abi5 och aba2 ) - eller salicylsyra ( eds1 och pad4 ) -felaktiga mutanter.

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Bli först med att rekommendera Abi5. Betyg och recensioner har ändrats. Nu är det enklare att hitta bra företag med rekommendationer. Kontakta Abi5 i Messenger. Highlights info row image.


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The abscisic acid signal is reported to delay flowering by up-regulating Flowering Locus C expression, but the role of AFP2 in regulating flowering time is unknown. 2016-11-01 ABI5 expression was shown to be positively regulated by ABI3, HYL1, and HY5 (Lopez‐Molina et al., 2002; Lu et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2008), but repressed by WRKY2, WRKY40, WRKY18, and WRKY60 (Jiang and Yu, 2009; Shang et al., 2010).

TCP4 AT3G15030 Result Summary BioGRID


2018-12-19 · The ABI5 promoter, an approximately 1200 bp sequence located upstream of the ATG start codon, was divided into six fragments, which were designated A-F. The ABI5 promoter fragments were constructed into the pLACZ2U plasmid which has a lacZ reporter gene. The abi5-1 and abi5-2 mutants have identical genomic re-arrangements, indicating that they are probably siblings that were redistributed into independent T-DNA pools. Another allele, abi5-3, has a small rearrangement adjacent to the 5' splice site of the final exon, extending from nucleotides 33,454 to 33,439 of IGF 2H17 (Figure 3A). Although XIW1 was identified as a substrate for the nuclear transport receptor XPO1, and is exported from the nucleus in an XPO1-dependent manner. In the presence of abscisic acid, XIW1 accumulates in the nucleus, where it interacts with ABI5 and promotes ABI5 stability and ABA responses. Get in touch with .


2019-12-02 · Since XIW1 affects ABI5 protein abundance, and both XIW1 and ABI5 are located in the nucleus in the presence of ABA, we wondered whether there is a direct interaction between XIW1 and ABI5. Yeast two-hybrid assays showed that XIW1 directly interacts with ABI5 through its WD40 domains ( Figure 7 A ). 2018-02-20 · The ABI5 transcript was significantly down-regulated from dry seeds after 2days imbibition in Col as well as in both csn mutants . On day2 and day3 post seed imbibition, the levels of ABI5 were still moderately higher in both csn mutants compared to Col , although not as substantial as the difference in its protein accumulation.
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ABI5 interacts with other phytohormone signals to regulate plant growth and development, and stress responses in Arabidopsis, but little is known about the Sumoylation of ABI5 by the ArabidopsisSUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 negatively regulates abscisic acid signaling Kenji Miuraa,b,1, Jiyoung Leec,2, Jing Bo Jina,3, Chan Yul Yooa, Tomoko Miuraa, and Paul M. Hasegawaa,1 aCenter for Plant Environmental Stress Physiology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907; bGraduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, ORIGINALARTICLE. Regulation of ABI5expression by ABF3 during salt stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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Vitvi10g00821 NCED6 Vitvi05g00963 SNRK2.10 - bioRxiv

Sumoylated at Lys-391 by SIZ1. Sumoylation protects ABI5 from proteasome degradation, attenuating ABA signaling and sensitivity to ABA. 1 Publication Plants silencing ABI5 exhibit low fertility rate due to abnormal development of mature pollen.

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Indeed, stomatal aperture was significantly reduced by ABI5 overexpression in the absence or presence of ABA under monochromatic light conditions. ABA treatment upregulates the expression of XIW1, and both ABA and abiotic stresses promote XIW1 accumulation in the nucleus, where it interacts with ABI5. Loss of XIW1 function results in rapid proteasomal degradation of ABI5. Nations around the world are setting new records for COVID-19 deaths and new coronavirus infections, and the disease is surging even in some countries that have kept the virus in check. Given that ABI5 was previously shown to be a downstream player of ABAR–SOAR1 coupled signaling (Mei et al., 2014) and that the ABI5 mRNA is a target of the mRNA cap-binding complex in SOAR1–eIFiso4G1/2 coupled signaling (Bi et al., 2019), we tested if ABI5 expression is altered in the usb1-1 and usb1-2 mutants.