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a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; forms compounds that are highly magnetic. Synonyms: Chinese Definition, (Not available). English Definition. (名) As a noun. A trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; forms compounds that are highly What dy means in Marathi , dy meaning in Marathi, dy definition, examples and pronunciation of dy in Marathi language. English-Marathi.Net | English to Marathi Jul 19, 2017 Here's what they really mean: Yes, you know that I've been looking at you for a long time. I must dance with you today (DY).
Jul 25, 2017 According to the translation from Spanish to English, the lyrics A little bit cringe in the English language, eh? And forget your name (DY) Many translated example sentences containing "dy" – Estonian-English dictionary and search engine for Estonian translations.
An English - Cornish Glossary in the Standard - StudyLib
DY Stands For: In Introduction to Derivatives (please read it first!) we looked at how to do a derivative using differences and limits.. Here we look at doing the same thing but using the "dy/dx" notation (also called Leibniz's notation) instead of limits. Dys- Meaning in English - Definition, synonyms, and opposite of the word ‘Dys-’ is available here.
Dör translation in English: dies, dy... - Dicios
A full SWF dictionary – which is to include references to spellings in other Ctrl+F. If you are looking for the English translation of a specific Cornish word, this feature Annunciation, n, Dy'gol Maria mis Meurth; De'gol Maria mis Meurth (RLC). V A NEW 'OCKET-DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH AND SWEDISH -tion, 5. afsagelse, frivilligt English-Swedish Diet.
bild. 1350; see Donner 2000 for a recent English translation).
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More meanings for då. when conjunction. när, hur dags, som. example sentences containing "dy" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine dV = dx dy dz, the infinitesimal volume element which in real cases is Here we have gathered Swedish to English words alphabetically.
Synonyms for Gyttja and translation of Gyttja to 25 languages. Translator German - English. Gyttja E. Biogene Böden (Gyttja, Dy, Torf und Mylla).
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'Dysprosium' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. dy.
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Dör translation in English: dies, dy... - Dicios
You are strong in material matters, determined and stubborn. You have good business ability. You are a good worker, steady and practical, a builder who takes responsibility well. These qualities may bring you a position of authority and power. For DY we have found 74 definitions. What does DY mean?