0.7. 0.8. 0.9. 1. 1.1 sp lice. 7 Apr 2013 The SMIM1 gene encodes the Vel blood group antigen.

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May I know whether this Ab can be used for FACS? Our antibody NBP2-38120 has not yet been tested in flow cytometry or FACS. It has only been validated for use in IHC with paraffin embedded tissues. Should you like to try this antibody in flow/FACS you can use our Innovator's Reward Phenotype data for mouse gene Smim1. Discover Smim1's significant phenotypes, expression, images, histopathology and more.

SMIM1: Small integral membrane protein 1 (Vel blood group) SMIM11A: Small integral membrane protein 11A: SMIM10: Small integral membrane protein 10: SMIM10L1: – Det nya proteinet SMIM1 påminner intressant nog om andra molekyler som utnyttjas av malariaparasiter för att infektera människor. Det är därför möjligt att SMIM1 utgör en sedan länge sökt malariareceptor på de röda blodkropparna, säger Jill Storry.

0.8. 0.9. 0.4. 0.6.


This gene encodes a small, conserved protein that participates in red blood cell formation. The encoded protein is localized to the cell membrane and is the antigen for the Vel blood group. Alternative splicing results in different transcript variants that encode the same protein. [provided by RefSeq, Dec 2013] SMIM1, carrier of the Vel blood group, is a tail-anchored transmembrane protein and readily forms homodimers in a cell-free system Antibodies to the Vel blood group antigen can cause adverse hemolytic reactions unless Vel-negative blood units are transfused. SMIM1 (Vel) Tissue specificity i The RNA specificity category is based on mRNA expression levels in the analyzed samples based on a combination of data from HPA , GTEX and FANTOM5 . SMIM1 is responsible for the Vel blood group system (VEL) [MIM i: 615264 ]. The Vel antigen is present on red blood cells from all people except rare Vel-negative individuals who can form antibodies to Vel in response to transfusion or pregnancy.


The schematic of the SMIM1 protein with I-TASSER predicted 3D-structure showing the extracellular domain  SMIM1. B3GALT4. GPR75-ASB3.
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Should you like to try this antibody in flow/FACS you can use our Innovator's Reward Gene information about ENSG00000235169 / SMIM1 - small integral membrane protein 1 (Vel blood group) Browse information about SMIM1 (ENSG00000235169) covering related drugs, protein structure, pathways, genetic associations, orthologs, RNA expression and cancer biomarkers. Synonyms: Vel; Small integral membrane protein 1; Vel blood group antigen. SMIM1 has 1,286 functional associations with biological entities spanning 6 categories (molecular profile, disease, phenotype or trait, functional term, phrase or reference, chemical, cell line, cell type or tissue, gene, protein or microRNA) extracted from 33 datasets.

Neither the SMIM1: Small integral membrane protein 1 (Vel blood group) SMIM11A: Small integral membrane protein 11A: SMIM10: Small integral membrane protein 10: SMIM10L1: Small integral membrane protein 10 like 1: SMIM10L2A: Small integral membrane protein 10 like 2A: SMIM10L2B: Small integral membrane protein 10 like 2B: SMIM1 gene related symptoms and diseases.
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The protein was previously predicted to be a type I transmembrane protein (Storry et al., 2013) but has recently been shown to be a type II transmembrane domain protein with amino acids at positions 1 to 47 predicted to constitute the cytoplasmic domain while smim1_mouse

This subsection of the 'Entry information' section provides one or more accession number(s). These are stable identifiers and should be used to cite UniProtKB entries. The potential dominant negative effect of the currently known missense mutations in SMIM1 on wild type SMIM1 are investigated during erythropoiesis and reticulocyte maturation.

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Diseases associated with SMIM1 include Blood Group, Vel System and Melnick-Needles Syndrome . UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for SMIM1 Gene SMIM1 (HGNC Symbol) Synonyms: Vel: Description: Small integral membrane protein 1 (Vel blood group) (HGNC Symbol) Chromosome: 1: Cytoband: p36.32: Chromosome location (bp) 3772761 - 3775982: Number of transcripts i SMIM1 is responsible for the Vel blood group system (VEL) [MIM i:615264].